Example sentences of "her [adj] [noun sg] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In cases where the latter course seems a possibility , the engineer should consult his or her professional organisation and seek its advice as well as the advice of an independent legal adviser in a timely manner .
2 Then he bundled her now rosy body into her dry shirt and sat her down on the sleeping-bag to vigorously rub her hair dry .
3 ‘ And I 'm quite sure that you are exactly my style ! ’ he added smoothly , removing the champagne glass from her trembling hand and setting it down on a nearby table .
4 He smoked a cigarette and looked at her stubbly hair and bought her another brandy .
5 She folded her arms over her ample bosom and completed her piece of Tin Pan Alley sentiment .
6 Jessamy woke up on the morning of her twenty-fourth birthday and decided it was time she put her life in order .
7 In the sanctuary of Hera on Samos a long base ( fig. 31 ) bore , between a seated and a reclining figure , four standing , three certainly and perhaps the fourth too girls of varying age , each grasping her skirt in her right hand and holding it out , so that the folds curve and it is drawn tight against the left leg .
8 He rushed up to her as she got out of the Roller , took her right hand and thrust it into his beard .
9 She lifted her right arm and brought it down in a slashing sideways sweep on to his wrist , sending the gun clattering harmlessly to the corner of the room .
10 She would cut off her right arm and give it to him if he came over with as much as a single bag .
11 The girls move away , but I stop Heather near the door , seize her right ear and twist it .
12 But himself said this would happen , because I was always washin' her bloody hair and keepin' her face scab-free , unlicing her an' the rest , instead of gettin' meself out to work .
13 Samson Orry gripped Jess round her narrow waist and swung her on to the tavern counter .
14 She sat down , spreading her damp hair and squeezing it in the ends of the towel , teasing it out between her fingers .
15 Fran ran a hand over her damp face and smoothed her untidy hair .
16 She did n't make a move , so he took her free arm and led her out .
17 And when she did , he stopped the stab of her free hand and twisted it up behind her shoulders .
18 He took her free hand and pulled her upright .
19 The girl stretched out her free hand and nodded her head .
20 William took her empty glass and put it with his on the bedside table .
21 She swept up her empty plate and took it into the kitchen , and departed upstairs with her cup of tea to start on her coiffure .
22 Rosheen pushed away her empty plate and wiped her fingers absently on a sheet of tissue .
23 He struck out again , this time with the back of his hand , catching her a blow across the face which split her top lip and sent her reeling .
24 But she had turned away from her high window and demanded he scale the ivory walls without her help .
25 Victoria ripped the pale-blue cotton dress from her slim body and flung it and herself onto the ruffled bed .
26 I 'd wiped her snotty nose and covered her lewd , spreadeagled indecency .
27 All you have to do , Laura , is to tell him that you love him , ’ she 'd added , putting her arms around her old friend and giving her a hug .
28 Sometimes , when she looked at her like that , it seemed to Emmie that she could easily forget what Gran was like when she was well — how she had looked , sitting in the kitchen all last winter , rocking in her old chair and telling them stories and teaching Oliver games to play with her darning eggs .
29 ‘ Yes , look at me , ’ she said ruefully pushing back her tangled hair and straightening her skirts .
30 She could feel Jackie watching her as she took a step forward , but she resisted the temptation to glance back , thrusting herself away from him , one step after another , angrily trying to justify her uncharacteristic behaviour and telling herself that she had no need to justify it .
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