Example sentences of "her [noun] and [pron] [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 Theresa Nolan , after having a medical termination on psychiatric grounds , had left a suicide note for her grandparents which they had confirmed was in her handwriting and which made her intention to kill herself plain beyond any doubt .
2 A shudder ran through him at the touch of her fingers and he drew her closer , crushing her against the powerful length of his body so that she could feel his heart thundering against her breast .
3 His hands slid into her hair and he lifted her face to him .
4 Lucy 's hand moved through her hair and she clenched her teeth against the tantalising sensation .
5 I nodded , and she closed her eyes and I saw her shoulders slump a little .
6 The tears jumped into her eyes and she bent her head , hugging her arms to her breasts .
7 It was murmured throatily against the swell of her breasts , before his lips found the hard jut of her nipples and she dropped her head back with a gasp of pure delight .
8 Soon his lips left her mouth and he covered her eyelids , the tip of her nose , the warm base of her throat with soft , butterfly kisses .
9 She was good at hiding her emotions and she did her utmost to now avail herself of the talent .
10 Her hands came up to press against her cheeks and she closed her eyes .
11 However , before he had time to dwell on the thought , another stronger jolt shook him when his fingers grasped her wrists and he pulled her hands away from her face .
12 Kate shook her head and he watched her hair ripple with the movement .
13 His eyes went to her head and he snatched her hat free and flung it into the back of the car .
14 His hand closed over her breast and she parted her lips in answer to his silent command .
15 There was a catch in her voice and he took her arm as they came to the magnificent front of the cathedral .
16 There was a slight shrillness to her voice and she bit her lip to contain the rising feeling of panic .
17 The kitten was cradled in her arms and she ran her fingers gently up and down its stomach so that it purred with delight .
18 A great flush spread on her throat and she drove her heels into the sand and arched her back , whispering his own name to him like a fierce incantation .
19 The kisses moved to her face and she opened her eyes .
20 Wilson knew she was being patronised if not mocked outright , but no trace of expression crossed her face and it gave her satisfaction that she knew it did not .
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