Example sentences of "her [noun] [adv] [verb] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow the pins in her hair always seemed to escape when she lost her temper and the dark tresses whirled round her shoulders as she walked up and down Oswin 's bedroom .
2 She gasped in surprise , her heart suddenly started to race and , while her mind went blank , Fabia could n't think of a thing to say .
3 Then her eyes slowly began to focus and she realised that they had n't just been tossed on to the bed .
4 She made a face at his back , but her expression quickly changed to concern when she caught sight of his arm .
5 I was to learn that her English always tended to deteriorate when her emotions took hold .
6 ‘ It must make yer feel old , being a grandmother for the sixth time , ’ promptly replied Mrs Stych , her face carefully arranged to indicate that it was a disaster .
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