Example sentences of "her [noun] [was/were] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her head beat from side to side and she said , ‘ Yes , yes , yes , yes , ’ again , then Lachlan — wiry , athletic-looking , skinny shanks ramming back and forth like some skinny bull — reached under her , pulled her up , his legs spreading , kneeling ; she hung onto him , arms round his neck , then after a few vertical stabs he threw her down , back onto the bed ; she grunted , arms still tight round his back , then she brought her legs up , right up over his thin , plunging , globe-buttocked behind , until her ankles were in the small of his back , rocking to and fro , feet crossed one over the other , locked there ; with one splayed hand she held onto his back , pressing him to her , and with the other hand she felt down the length of his body , over ribs and waist and hips , and with another grunt reached round and under , taking his balls in her hand , pressing them and kneading them and squeezing them .
2 And her handbag was in a box in the kitchen in the first box that you put in the van .
3 Her handbag was in the bedroom .
4 The papers lay there unread , however , because her mind was in a turmoil .
5 A MOTHER-of-three was killed instantly when her car was in a pile-up with a police Volvo answering a 999 call .
6 Her bedroom was in the basement .
7 And Her Majesty was in the parade ring to assess the runners and riders for the big race , the Queen Mother Champion Steeplechase .
8 Beryl and her freind were in the living-room , across the passage .
9 Her senses were in a whirl but she tried to hold on to her sanity .
10 Her fortunes were in the control of men who could candidly say , like one Essex trustee , that her ‘ present views are of entire indifference to me ’ .
11 The core of her body was in a moment melted .
12 She made it sound as if her husband were in the employ of a superior company .
13 Thus Mrs B. , who had left to get married in 1912 , and had 4 children , applied for re-admission in 1919 since her husband was in an asylum .
14 Her parents lived in another part of the country and her husband was in the army and away for long periods of time .
15 Course I di I did n't get to know much else but it was obvious you see , she 'd been going out with a young man , her husband was in the Forces and er she 'd tried to get rid of it .
16 This person had got one son about twelve , and her husband was in the Forces as well .
17 Oh rumour has it that her husband was in the forces
18 One of them was complaining in a quiet , slow alto voice that her husband was in the habit of leaving everything lying on the floor ; books , socks , newspapers , even matches and pipes .
19 She said I could n't stay with her , that her aunty was in the house , things like that , so I had nowhere to go .
20 His mother had done them — her name was in the corner .
21 She had no way of knowing it was the same man who had interrogated Madeleine , then made her his mistress , any more than Madeleine could know that her friend was in the building being interrogated by him .
22 Her father was in the anteroom , waiting for her with a dour face and uneasy eyes , but so closely attended by page and chamberlain that barely a word beyond her submissive greeting and his mumbled acknowledgement , phrased as a blessing but uttered like a malediction , was able to pass between them .
23 She was fond of this lively piece but , on this occasion , her mind was n't on it because her father was in the house .
24 As her opening music rang out , she ran up to the wings , her spirits considerably buoyed up by knowing her father was in the audience , and by the fact that she 'd felt a tiny but unmistakable buzz of excitement on hearing those familiar chords .
25 But , unlike the other students , she stayed fully sentient while her finger was in the socket thanks to her Friend-engineered connection .
26 ‘ They called it degrading interspish — ’ Her tongue was in the way again .
27 In the latest incident , Miss Earley said a teenage thug broke in while her grandmother was in the house .
28 Maggie would have left at that point , but as her bed was in the kitchen she could n't get into it until after he 'd left the room .
29 They found Bertha in a slightly drowsy state that signified drugs were keeping severe pain at bay , while a long bulge beneath the bedclothes indicated that her leg was in a plaster cast .
30 Unable or unwilling to curb her arrogance while her star was in the ascendency , the Empress had alienated nearly all those who had abandoned the King .
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