Example sentences of "so that [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Insight into its operation is gained by considering the balanced condition in which node-pair potential difference V 1 equals the attenuated output potential difference AV so that no current flows through the connecting branch XY .
2 It is in the interests of each individual therefore to proclaim clearly among the confusion of swarming fish , that its particular niche is occupied so that no other individual of the same species will poach its territory .
3 If the government increases the money supply to increase the price level to engineer a fall in the real wage , actors can be expected to be fully aware of this and hence to adjust the nominal wage so that no real purchase on the economy can be obtained .
4 Deep carpet covered the floors and the stairs swept up to the showrooms and the warren of workrooms beyond , and though the window drapes and furnishings were ever-so-slightly faded , as if they had seen better days , they were of the finest silks and velvets and every corner was swept , polished and cleaned daily so that no single speck of dust , let alone a cobweb , dared show itself .
5 I stretched out my whole body into the petals so that every square millimetre of my skin was softly touched , I wiggled my fingers and toes among the sweet perfumes … and I was being embraced .
6 Stretched out my whole body into the petals so that every square millimetre of my skin was softly touched .
7 This may take place subsequent to the conveyance or transfer to the wife , so that a separate deed of release is required in favour of the husband ( see Precedents 32 and 33 ) .
8 Anderson ( 1985 ) suggests that when one student has information to impart , some of that information should be distributed among the other students so that a certain amount of negotiation can take place as to what needs communicating and what does not ( see also Anderson and Lynch : Listening , in this Scheme ) .
9 Cable which has a large reserve of strength is mostly used so that a weak-link device of some kind safeguards the structure on a fast launch in gusty conditions .
10 Technological change has led to a de-skilling of industrial work , so that a major requirement of many employers is now for cheap , non-unionized , semi-skilled labour ( Massey 1979 ; Wood 1982 ) .
11 Most students start with vague objectives or change direction quite fundamentally during their first year so that a wider range of courses is required including some broadly-based and some of a more specialized nature .
12 Note that this should be done before the series of lectures commences , so that a mental map of the topic is before you when you attend the first lecture .
13 On the revenue side it meant such devices as changing the weighting of the staff mix so that a greater proportion of unqualified staff were employed than might ideally have been desired .
14 But any distribution in a country such as Britain has to be indirect : It might take the form of a grant to create new jobs and whole new industries , or in reduction of direct taxation so that a greater percentage of earnings can be retained for spending , saving , or giving away .
15 Early investigation helps to identify both aspects so that a suitable apportionment of costs can be agreed .
16 It seems likely that it involved the utilisation of the X-rays emitted by the fission bomb trigger to propagate the explosion throughout the charge of thermonuclear fuel ; travelling at the speed of light they could initiate the fusion reaction in all parts of the charge in a time much less than could be achieved by shock waves ( travelling at perhaps 104m/s ) , so that a substantial degree of reaction Could occur before the material was dispersed by the explosion ( New Scientist , 2 September , 1982 , p641 ) .
17 The textual layout is intended to direct the reader into performing the " Activities " during the reading process so that a better understanding of the information is gained .
18 Or of the mother who promotes cross-cousin marriage so that a new member of her own lineage can be brought into her adopted one , so that she will be less of an outsider in the latter .
19 In an NHS clinic this may be only ten to fifteen minutes , but the average practitioner seeing a patient privately likes to give about an hour to the first interview , so that a good idea of as many facets of the patient as possible can be ascertained .
20 He urged any groups with monies outstanding to pay them into the event 's special bank account as soon as possible , so that a good idea of the final total could be reached .
21 Often the bookseller or cataloguer has not bothered to identify the arms , so that a good deal of pleasure can be obtained from rectifying their indolence or ignorance .
22 It was pointed out earlier that one difficulty in using inverted files is the need to deal with all the records possessing a given attribute at the same time , so that a great deal of working space is required in main storage .
23 Like them , Fukase also has the ability to link imagery in a complicated sequence , so that a great number of disparate subjects can be — surprisingly — unified .
24 On the one hand the party lost ‘ middle class ’ support , so that a higher proportion of its votes came from the working class ( i.e. manual workers ) than ever before .
25 The traditional hazel rod was a freshly cut forked stick , held in both hands by each ‘ fork ’ , in some tension , so that a slight movement of the hand could result in a large movement of the rod .
26 This was done on a haphazard basis , so that a Peruvian Indian from the Andes could be issued with papers proving beyond legal doubt that he had in fact spent all his life in Godalming .
27 This uncertainty is not so important at the present time , when things are far apart , so that a small uncertainty in position does not make much difference .
28 The first condition is satisfied in parts of the motor system , in which cells in the brain project directly on to motor neurons in the spinal cord so that a small group of cells in the CNS have a ‘ direct line ’ to a small group of muscles , and perhaps in visuomotor centres in the brainstem ( Donoghue and Wise 1982 ; Schiller and Stryker 1972 ) .
29 The specific grant , introduced in April 1991 , should encourage authorities to plan together so that a broad spectrum of services is developed and there are no gaps for individual patients to fall down .
30 Although the model represents the organisation as a whole , it can be adapted so that a particular part of the model can appear in a different form to different users .
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