Example sentences of "so that [pron] [vb mod] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 I saw him flush it down the toilet so that no-one will laugh at his spotty chest in the showers !
2 We explained later it was to power a lightbulb so that we could read at night where there was no electricity .
3 We are going to tabulate the information so that we can look at the data from a statistical point of view , so every question you can answer is of value .
4 The university had one college , Birkbeck , which awarded degrees to evening students so that they might work at their jobs during the day .
5 It all ended well , undoubtedly helped by the fact that one positive feature could be highlighted , namely the support and sympathy shown by the Emperor during the Indian Mutiny , when he had offered to allow passage through France to British reinforcements so that they could embark at Toulon , thus cutting down the time required for the voyage to India .
6 Departures aims to give students a command of simple spoken English so that they can communicate at a basic level in day-to-day situations .
7 and they say pen and then they say one rupee , which is a tiny bit of currency , erm and they ask for pens for their school so that they can write at school .
8 It 's actually quite a deep lecture theatre , I think it 's probably the biggest the University possesses outside the great hall , and er it it 's difficult to get them large enough so that everyone can see at the back .
9 And then you just draw it out again so that someone could look at it and they could see the energy changes in front .
10 Harriet drove her to the local hospital as soon as the pains started in mid-afternoon and , knowing how hazardous the road back in the dark could be at this time of the year , brought an overnight bag so that she could stay at a nearby hotel .
11 If you read her diaries you discover that she travelled incessantly on trains and overnight trains so that she could speak at meetings the next morning .
12 Léonie turned her head so that she could look at Baptiste .
13 Marc 's beautiful bronze limbs weighted her down , and she squirmed surreptitiously without waking him in order to change her position so that she could look at him properly .
14 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
15 He insisted that he should visit the Tiller office so that he could observe at first hand how things were run .
16 He twisted in his chair so that he could look at her , and she leaned down and kissed his forehead .
17 Her grip began to slacken and he kicked a little harder , perhaps sensing a reprieve , and he managed to turn his head around so that he could look at her .
18 Rory held his collar out so that he could look at it .
19 The layout and organisation of the classroom should enable the visually handicapped pupil to develop a facility to understand and use the equipment and material in it ‘ so that he can feel at ease in the setting , and can respond freely and accurately about what he is doing ’ .
20 One reaches over my shoulder and cranes his neck so that he can look at himself in the mirror .
21 I asked her to prepare everything as it might be in America , so that you would feel at home .
22 You need an anchor at each end of the punt , on a variable length of rope so that you can fish at any depth of swim on the water .
23 And something I have not seen anywhere else , though it makes good sense , is that in these mainly narrow streets , the shops have their signs strung out at right-angles across the way so that you can stand at one end and read their names from there , without having to go down to look at them one by one .
24 Styled in hard-wearing canadium , it has a built-in meter so that you can know at a glance if you 're applying enough pressure .
25 Perhaps your secretary or some other intelligent person can sit alongside you and jot down , unobtrusively , the main points made by other speakers and indicate who is speaking so that you can look at them and glance at the notes alternately .
26 Eventually they are turned to stone , but they retain not only the outward shape that they had in life , albeit sometimes distorted , but on occasion even their detailed cellular structure is preserved so that you can look at sections of them through the microscope and plot the shape of the blood vessels and the nerves that once surrounded them .
27 Take your time preparing them , free from telephone calls and interruptions , so that you can look at the whole matter thoughtfully .
28 It is important to go through these documents in order to check what you have got , so that you will know at which stage they should be completed .
29 The battery was for a camping weekend — so that I could see at night .
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