Example sentences of "so that the [noun sg] is [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The task is for the speaker to select and describe one of a series of items so that the listener is able to identify the chosen item from an identical set .
2 In the standard referential communication task the speaker describes one of a restricted set of items so that the listener is able to identify the target .
3 Subscripts and superscripts are introduced in eqn ( 4.1 ) so that the notation is consistent with that used from Chapter 5 onwards .
4 ABA so that the calculation is correct and no two letters stand for the same digit .
5 You also attach a swivel to the jesses and a leash to the swivel so that the bird is Secure during short flights off your fist .
6 This can be conveniently arranged by means of a dosing pump connected to the main pump drive so that the dosage is proportional to the flow .
7 Then the head is distorted in a sweeping spiral movement so that the spectator is obliged to move completely around it and thus gathers a very complete idea about it ; and , owing to the element of distortion , from several positions one sees more of the head than would be possible in ordinary vision .
8 Lateral Formed by an obstruction placed in the middle of the mouth , the air being free to escape at one or both sides , eg /I// Nasal Formed by completely closing the mouth at some point , the soft palate remaining lowered so that the air is free to pass out through the nose , eg /m/ .
9 This is where the lighting is excessive , such as in bright sunlight , or where glare is caused by badly sited lighting or unsuitable décor , so that the person is unable to function visually .
10 Then the hair is dried by means of a towel , a simple drying so that the hair is left damp .
11 He has used the old classical forms in the suite so that the music is reminiscent sometimes of Mozart , sometimes of Bach , or Handel , or Gluck .
12 So really we use the toner to close the pores so that you do n't get any creams or any dirt in the pores , so that the skin is nice and clean .
13 In this way the child 's performance is continually sustained by the adult who , almost paradoxically , is always seeking to withdraw so that the child is able to participate in interactions as an independent and autonomous individual .
14 Additionally , Rule 5 — 30(2) requires that in respect of a warrant or derivative , before a firm : ( a ) recommends a transaction ; ( b ) arranges or executes a transaction ( even if it has not recommended it ) ; or ( c ) acts as a discretionary manager ; it must have sent the private customer a Warrants or Derivatives Risk Warning Notice and obtained a copy signed by the customer so that the firm is satisfied that the customer has had a proper opportunity to consider its terms .
15 Wrap it around the cake , positioning the join underneath and smoothing the fondant into the corners so that the shape is clear .
16 Yes , because the snag is with that is that it means the vast amount of , and then the gypsum that is produced has got to be disposed of has n't it , so that the limestone is mined and then they 've got to get rid of the gypsum .
17 From ( 8–45 ) , it may be seen that , for given k , the tax terms cancel , so that the frontier is unchanged .
18 The practice fence should be jumped slowly initially , then a couple of times a bit faster to get into cross country ‘ mood ’ and a couple of times on the angle so that the horse is awake and ready to think about the task ahead .
19 If the marginal and average rates are equal , then the average rate will be unchanged as income rises , so that the tax is proportional .
20 Fasten the buckle and tighten the hip belt , then adjust the shoulder slings and lift-straps so that the load is comfortable .
21 Weaver birds reared in an incubator still manage to weave when they become adult , so clearly the basic skill is inherited , but it nonetheless requires practice to bring it to perfection and at first young male weavers may make comically ham-fisted versions — nests that are insecurely tied and fall off , others that are unevenly woven with some strips pulled tight and others left slack so that the result is misshapen .
22 In practice however , this is generally an unsatisfactory arrangement since the grips damage the metal and cause premature failure at the ends so that the result is unreliable .
23 The variance may then be calculated as : where we have assumed that the Pareto exponent exceeds 2 , so that the variance is finite .
24 For punchcard machines , you may find it easier to punch out two cards , turn one over to the ‘ blank ’ side and clip them together so that the design is continuous .
25 Join top of Card A to bottom of card B so that the design is continuous
26 Now secure the plumbline to this bracket and pass the end through the outlet so that the line is taut .
27 We may think of the initial photon as being absorbed , so that the molecule is excited to a ‘ virtual ’ state , whose lifetime is so short that there is effectively immediate re-emission of a photon whose energy may be different from hν by a quantum of vibrational energy .
28 In order to focus attention on this , we assume that there is no variance in N or , so that the model is deterministic .
29 After the adjacent layers of atoms have slipped to a greater or less extent , so that the material is deformed in shear , no serious weakening has necessarily taken place , so that broken bonds have reformed with new partners .
30 Not all insects that enter the trap are captured , but the operation is consistent , so that the method is valuable for monitoring changes in relative abundance from season to season and year to year .
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