Example sentences of "so i say well [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And I told him , I said I 've got shingles so I said well I got them he said and red round the stomach .
2 But er she 's coming a and gives him twenty five pounds for what he 's done oh he came in , he came into the kitchen , it 's ever so funny , he came into the kitchen to tell me about this you see Anyway he came back in there and I said to him I 'm not really enthusiastic about the thought er thinking that I was involved with this as well so the dear woman turned round and said to me it 's only your husband so I said well I 'd better go back in the kitchen where I know my place .
3 So I said well I said , I usually try to get here quarter past ten or soon after but it all depends on traffic because I live the other end of the town .
4 So I said well I said I really do n't know but I think so .
5 So I said well I said a pity in n it ?
6 but you got to have been out of work six months , so I said well I 've been out of work six months , so she , I 've got that to do tomorrow , so I get up the firm this Spinny Hill , Northampton , that 's an adult education centre where you can go and learn the skills of your trade , but she said that might not start until September
7 So I said well I 've never been in the situation but I said if it , if it was , if I was in that situation I , asked to see the manager or person in charge , make an offer to pay for any damage that was done and if that did n't suffice then I would say well I am the care officer for a Mencap home and the only thing I can do is say will you er get in touch with my boss and it 'll have to be sorted out from Head Office and she said perfect , you could n't do anything better , then she give me all different things that we 've gone into the next day and the patient 's done everything down the bed , what would you do ?
8 So I said well I hope you 're working on it
9 So I said well I hope it 's not gon na be too long I said cos we 're not a a very big firm and I said , you know , we want the money !
10 So I said well I think Drucilla 's a nice name for a duck .
11 So I said well I do n't , I do n't look at her and I sort of see
12 Oh she said I 've seen Jason Donovan in that , so I said well I do n't think you have cos it did n't start till today .
13 He was right up to it so I said well I do n't know whether you 're going round to view the house cos that 's on the market are n't they ?
14 That 's , that 's , that 's what it was when you , you know , saying you 're coming back next Friday , that 's what it was because father said to me what , what , what erm when is coming so I said well I do n't know .
15 so I said well I wanted to put one on it oh er
16 I took it into to make it bigger , right , it was mum 's , so they said well we 've got to put valuation on it to send it away , so I said well I have n't got a clue , so they wrote down a thousand pound and I thought never in all this world .
17 for a couple of nights , when she was on , she asked me if I thought Ken would baby sit a couple of nights , if he could you know perhaps ask different people to baby sit you see , so I said well I did n't like the idea of that anyway
18 So I said well it depends how much there is you know , we we are only a light removal firm , we do n't have Oh no no well there 's no problem there , it 's only half a houseload .
19 so I said well it cost us just so many weeks though , I 've put it in again , I 've , I 'm sending it back today in the hope that they will come up with a decision in the next week , cos usually once they 've got the information they 'll write back say within ten days yes or no
20 So I said well you know , I ca n't just wind it up over the next six months , I said er what I wan na do I said is erm I got ta carry it on for that transit for that Orion till I finished anyway so it 's got ta go another year so I said well what I 'm feeling about doing I said is er just sort of keeping a finger in the pie I said , he said , if I 'd said tomorrow , if I had finished the whole the tomorrow I 've got ta buy a car I can buy it finance so I 'm gon na get no tax relief on the H P I get no depreciation no nothing like that I said so at least if I still self employed I can if I have the sort of two or three vehicles or whatever three , four , five vehicles but I said at least I can have some erm and I can then sort of they would be more utilised , where as I said at the moment we got more vehicles than we really need to keep full capacity so he said yeah , yeah fair enough then .
21 Yeah , so I said well you know because I was thinking oh god if I go to college and she 's off bloody sick all the time , but I think it 's just that she 's tired and you know
22 So I said well you tell me the number .
23 So I said well you do n't go round corners !
24 and I said to her is that what your going to call your baby and she said yes , so I said well you realize what the initials spell and she went Pauline , oh my goodness I did n't know that
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