Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [was/were] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We told her her present was on the way .
2 Her hair was like a bird 's nest , her skin grey , her leg bleeding .
3 I do not know whether we dragons loved her or hated her ; her will was like iron , as fast clad as our scaled hides , but her heart was like a songbird in the morning and she was as lovely as the lilies of the field .
4 Her story was like a tale from a book .
5 Herbert or Algy or Whatever — the very same who had said ( how original ! ) that her skin was like a peach
6 Sara wore a thin mackintosh over a blouse and skirt ; her handbag was on the floor at her side and a furled umbrella rested against the desk .
7 And her handbag was in a box in the kitchen in the first box that you put in the van .
8 Her handbag was in the bedroom .
9 Sandy tried to think of something to say , something that would explain how she felt ; but the image that formed in her mind was of a punchbowl brimming with vomit , and she knew instantly that she was about to do likewise .
10 Her mind was on the gardener 's boy ,
11 The papers lay there unread , however , because her mind was in a turmoil .
12 All her concentration was on the squirt .
13 Her breath was tearing at her throat , the stitch in her side was like a knife , but still she raced on .
14 Her entry was for a suit for Dame Edna Everidge to wear to visit her bank manager .
15 Making lunch for Lucy and Francis , giving her lifts here and there when her car was off the road , calling her just to see how she was , ordering her home when she looked exhausted , plying her with remedies if she had a cold , rubbing her back if she was tense .
16 A MOTHER-of-three was killed instantly when her car was in a pile-up with a police Volvo answering a 999 call .
17 Her bedroom was at the back of the house .
18 Her bedroom was in the basement .
19 And Her Majesty was in the parade ring to assess the runners and riders for the big race , the Queen Mother Champion Steeplechase .
20 Her mouth was within an inch of his chin and they clung to one another for a heart-stopping moment , getting breath and balance back , before he thrust her aside .
21 Her mouth was like a flower , and her eyes were large and soft , sometimes black , blue or grey , sometimes all three colours together .
22 Her mouth was like a rosebud — take it or leave it .
23 Beryl and her freind were in the living-room , across the passage .
24 Taken by Mr Browning to view it — though since it had already been rented her approval was of no importance — she was at once charmed .
25 Miss Grimes answered the bell quickly , for her room was on the ground floor .
26 Not surprisingly she passed a less than restful night , only falling asleep as the light started to penetrate the thin curtains , and when she did finally surface the sun was high in the sky and her room was like an oven .
27 ‘ You c-ca n't … ’ she spluttered , trying not to panic that , if she 'd got it right — and she could n't see how else this swine of a man could threaten her — he was saying that her job was on the line !
28 The core of her body was in a moment melted .
29 The gentle curve of her body was like a piece of rock smoothed by the sea .
30 At this point Jess saw the horse and rider coming towards them , but her attention was on a voice behind her .
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