Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Striding away from the house , Carolyn stubbed her toe badly on a brick end and had to sit down to nurse it .
2 Writing to her sister soon after the auction , Virginia was already depreciating her own aesthetic taste and attempted with a joke to pre-empt any criticism : ‘ Monk 's House will be perhaps the ugliest house in Sussex . ’
3 Maggie went to Laura and kissed her sister tenderly on the cheek .
4 She kicked out in imitation of martial arts movies , putting her hip behind the blow and landing her foot sideways into the hooligan 's stomach .
5 Alexandra sat in front of her mirror in her new cream silk gown while Lyddy folded her hair carefully over the pads .
6 Her red lipstick was smudged and she had n't bothered to pin up her hair properly at the sides .
7 Leonora gave him a polite smile as she tied her hair securely at the nape of her neck .
8 He was the sort of man who was always punctual and here she was with her hair all over the place and a shiny nose .
9 ‘ I saw the evidence with my own eyes , Melanie wearing only a dressing-gown , her hair all over the place .
10 She shut her heart firmly against the look of incredulous joy that lit Rachel 's face .
11 Mrs Ridley settled herself in a green velvet armchair , laying her stick carefully on the floor beside her .
12 Mrs Puri tapped her stick triumphantly on the ground .
13 Sartre had initially been attracted to her work because it seemed to demonstrate his own concern with the inauthenticity of human relationships , yet he would later reject her fiction simply on the basis that her novels are set in an upper-middle-class Parisian milieu .
14 I started Wavebreaker 's engines , used the bow thruster to drive her stem away from the quay and , with an apparent cargo of misery and mania , went to sea .
15 She claims that two years later pupils began taunting her about her weight both in the playground and the classroom which reduced her to tears .
16 As he reversed , he saw her march confidently into the porter 's office .
17 She snapped open her handbag blindly with a sense of gathering panic .
18 But Jude was not easily denied anything , especially when she 'd set her mind firmly on an objective ; and she was certain — despite Marlin 's protestations — that leaving Manhattan was the most sensible thing to do .
19 Bill and I would watch her sometimes , bemused by the eternal conundrum of women — grey hair straggling from its bun , a tweed skirt , stout shoes , rubber gloves , a rubber mat , oblivious to the way she looked , her mind fully on the job .
20 Running her mind quickly over the events of the week just passed , she could n't think of anything she had done wrong , and Tom Russell was not the kind of doctor who made mountains out of molehills where nursing procedure was concerned .
21 He remembered Karen 's absence like a silhouette cut from each scene in the house ; he remembered Sophie 's jeans and her underwear still on the floor .
22 Moreover , public expenditure restraints during the 1980s in particular have helped to turn the rhetoric of care by the community into de facto reality , as support services such as home helps and nursing auxiliaries have been reduced or withdrawn — a theme developed by Hilary Land in her chapter here on the demise of the social wage .
23 He saw her glance across at the table and followed her gaze to the brandy bottle .
24 There was no trying to disappear , for even though she had taken to parking her car carefully at the back of the premises , she knew the front door was wide open and the painter in the hall would certainly , if asked , say that she was around .
25 ‘ She decided it would be very much more sensible to conserve her energies for her programme later in the summer and not to go to the races .
26 She tried to brush her assailant aside with the words , ‘ One day all the facts , in about thirty years ’ time , will be published , ’ and was ticked off in return .
27 Bending forward , she trailed her mouth delicately across the bridge of his nose to his cheek , then down to hover tantalisingly at the corner of his mouth .
28 He touched her mouth again with the flat of his thumb , making her heart thud strangely inside her .
29 Lily said angrily , her mouth too near the keyhole , tasting the brassy flavour :
30 Japan regained her independence long before the period of rebuilding was over , but the terms of that independence dictated Japan 's international alignment in later years .
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