Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She had been a regular person once , but that had been before the voices started up in her head , before the dead woman got out of her rocking chair , before the preacherman reached into her mind and gave it a sharp twist …
2 Mrs Young , who had paused in her search , finally found her purse and gave me a dollar .
3 He slipped an arm around her waist and gave her an affectionate squeeze .
4 It was often said that her new-found reputation was a bubble that would burst once people realized it was just the raunchiness of her work that got her a wide readership .
5 She unpacked a self-locating mine , punched in her identifier and gave it a simple verbal instruction .
6 As he passed her , Celia Hooper raised her head and gave him a look of steady encouragement .
7 Carole turned her head and gave her a broad smile .
8 She raised her head and threw him a cold look .
9 Inspection of Enid 's diary , however , showed that there was very little in her week that gave her a sense of achievement or pleasure .
10 She could n't find her handkerchief and said what a nuisance it is not to have pockets in frocks .
11 He rested his hand on her shoulder and gave her a long kiss on the lips .
12 ‘ Although one assumes David only crossed the border because his niece had been cheated of her crown and gave him no peace until he avenged her , haranguing him with letter after letter .
13 After she contacted her boyfriend and told him the news , they immediately headed back to Leeds .
14 But Jessica put her arm around her mother and gave her a great hug .
15 Later Aunt Louise opened her bag and showed me a letter .
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