Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [pron] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Novella no longer needs to feel gratitude that in her case she has a father who has allowed her to teach in his place ; she has parted the curtain and is speaking for herself — in as many tongues as she pleases .
2 She has short-cropped sandy hair , a fixed stare and when she folds her arms across her chest you see a criss-cross of tattooes on her wrists .
3 Shortly after moving into her apartment she found a job where she was truly in her element .
4 Only two weeks before , she told her mum she wanted a donor card in case anything happened to her .
5 Yet Batty noticed that in spite of her reserve she had a way of inspiring people to do things for her .
6 Then in her mind she heard an echo of the words her teacher , a martial arts master , had used time and time again .
7 Hell , it was n't her fault she had a scoundrel for a grandson .
8 Obviously , it is in a ‘ plugger 's ’ interest to claim that it was his or her work which made a record into a hit , but if you employ a ‘ plugger ’ it is worth being sceptical when deciding what to believe .
9 As he joined in with her laughter he felt a qualm of uneasiness as to what ideas she was getting into her head with regard to his visiting in the future .
10 From the top drawer of her chest-of-drawers she took a pad and went to fetch her biro from the handbag hanging on the back of the door .
11 Once in her room she took a seat by the windows and , pushing her distress over Paul to the back of her mind , tore open the packet he 'd given her .
12 Out of the corner of her eye she saw a man in a white coat floundering through the snow towards them , and in some intuitive way this increased her anxiety to be off .
13 I mean there was a classic case a couple of years ago of a lady who was pushing a baby in a pram across a zebra crossing and as she was half way across out of the corner of her eye she saw a truck thundering towards her which was quite clearly was n't going to stop and that you know a sort of fairly anxious situation , and she froze .
14 As she took her place she noticed a piece of paper by the side of her plate .
15 On her head she wore a green felt hat , with a pin stuck through it like a bodkin .
16 Behind her back she heard a mutter .
17 ‘ Then how come when we pulled her from her suit I found a folder full of Alex Bannen 's notes stashed away inside the sleeve ? ’
18 I did n't fancy my plaice so I give her mine I had a bit of beef .
19 Trees cut her view for part of the way and when she could see the street door leading to her flat she noticed a man dawdling by , looking up and down the pavement and then strolling back the way he had come .
20 It 's bad enough for a young person going into hospital for an operation but when you get to her age you deserve a bit more care .
21 In her sleep she sets an easel facing
22 Philippa felt something gripping her in the area just behind her breastbone which sent a message up to the area somewhere above her eyes which were growing tired with concentration .
23 ‘ A street party would be fun , ’ said a Highland lady ‘ of rank ’ in front of me to her companion who wore a dog collar .
24 Towards the end of her life she paid a visit to Lourdes and , despite her suffering , she was greatly comforted by this experience .
25 As I approached her kennel I paused a moment .
26 A tap at the door and without waiting for her answer it opened a fraction .
27 In her hand she held a gun .
28 But when I met her and shook her hand I had a feeling which is hard to explain — other people have had the same experience when meeting this lady .
29 ‘ But in her hand I found a piece of dirty paper . ’
30 In her book she describes a conversation with a poet friend while resting on a climb to the top of the highest beacon in the Malvern range .
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