Example sentences of "so [that] you can [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 In part three next month , we suggest ways of originating your own artwork so that you can design your very own printed circuit boards .
2 If there is no local group at a convenient distance from you , you could ask your therapist to put you in touch with other carers and patients , so that you can form your own support group , even on a very informal basis .
3 They invent a few rules that do n't mean anything so that you can ruin your health trying to change them .
4 If the occasion arises that your parent is seriously ill and wishes you ( or some other relative or close friend ) to act for her and have access to some of her money so that you can pay her bills and buy her anything she needs , she can grant what is known as ‘ Power of Attorney ’ .
5 This is partly a matter of writing appropriate sentences , for example , so that you can distinguish your point of view in debate from someone else 's .
6 ‘ Why , so that you can ease your own frustration and put the blame on me ? ’ she managed to shoot back , and tried to wriggle out of the bag , unsuccessfully .
7 You have the right to accurate , informative labeling of products so that you can make your own decisions about what to buy .
8 Then you get somebody else , well I started the same as you , but I do it this way , I do it that way , so that you can formulate your way of doing it .
9 If you want to use a different yarn and , especially for readers overseas who may not be able to buy the originals , the yarns shown are actual size so that you can compare your substitute yarn with the original .
10 If you want to use a different yarn and , especially for readers overseas who may not be able to buy the originals , the yarns are shown actual size so that you can compare your substitute yarn with the original .
11 Mirrors are unfailingly useful in halls so that you can check your own appearance going out while visitors can check theirs coming in .
12 It is best to write for a list or catalogue so that you can place your order in good time .
13 ‘ I suppose you think that your father and I have scrimped and saved to give you children a good education so that you can waste your time and money at the pictures , ’ said Mrs Mallory , pressing down fiercely on a handkerchief .
14 The package also comes with Blackout ! , a screen saver with password protection , so that you can leave your screen so that no-one else can see what you have been doing .
15 At the end of the chapter ( Now Try This — 4 ) , we will suggest that you adapt the tests so that you can measure your own performance .
16 Count the number of steps you take and record them here so that you can measure your increased fitness as the days go by .
17 You will need a purpose designed vegetable bristle brush ( nylon or animal bristle is either too soft or too rough ) with a long , but detachable handle so that you can reach your back .
18 Do not bandage too tightly but arrange it so that you can move your ankle sufficiently to use foot techniques .
19 A library is organised so that you can find your way around it .
20 It is particularly useful if you tape-record the whole session so that you can hear your performance yourself .
21 The third part of Slim Plan ( April GH ) will examine psychological hurdles in greater detail , so that you can keep your new slim figure for life .
22 Your office must have a pile of sand in it instead of a desk , so that you can keep your head buried all bloody day . ’
23 So that you can keep your liaison with Paolo ? ’
24 This sort of system is a , is a funnel so that you can channel your information in , in a positive way .
25 Check the section on Reading effectively , and also remember the idea of having a debate on a chosen topic for say half an hour once a week so that you can use your voice and express your ideas and opinions .
26 Develop good habits like keeping records : cheque book stubs , credit card dockets , receipts , and a proper filing system so that you can see your outgoings at a glance — and take corrective action early by spending less if you find you 're not sticking to your budget .
27 Wail until you have calmed down enough so that you can voice your concerns and listen to his replies .
28 ( Any reputable solicitor will declare this immediately so that you can take your case elsewhere . ) ;
29 ‘ If you like , I can drop you off at the travel agent 's so that you can book your flight back down to London . ’
30 Increased contacts with teachers will enable you to understand their skills and expertise so that you can recognise their achievements .
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