Example sentences of "so [that] [pron] can [verb] what " in BNC.

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1 It is important , therefore , to be clear about the differences as well as the similarities so that one can know what to query as well as what to accept in the concepts .
2 The best possible way to do this will be to set down the account resulting from a different approach , so that one can see what it is that has been overlooked so far ; and this is something which this book sets out to do .
3 We must find some way of ‘ taking out ’ of our calculations that fraction of brain that can be attributed simply to body size , so that we can compare what is left over as the true ‘ braininess ’ of animals .
4 And it is essential that we should be the ones who control just which parts of our brains we use so that we can achieve what we have decided are our goals .
5 The first is to provide simple descriptions of complex data so that we can understand what is going on in our experiments .
6 May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind , so that we can see what hope his call holds for us .
7 I really am looking forward to seeing your entries but do n't forget to include photos of your garden so that we can see what you 're getting up to !
8 What they 're able to do with that money this year and in that way we can make a reasonable assessment as to what has to be done next year and the years after and budget all , but we 're talking about how they 're going to spend the money that we 've just earlier on voted for , for us so that we can see what is being done and also that the public can see because after all this all came up , the report to the ombudsman and the public will not be satisfied about our performance on that .
9 Well I 'd like to see a very open report , and that 's why I Mr , and I 'd like him to look at all the options , we 're deferring this so that we can see what 's possible , you know , , perhaps Hanson Trust would like to come along and offer us fifty million pounds for it , that 'd be a fair deal would n't it , perhaps somebody else would do that .
10 We need to know the effect the injury has had on you so that we can determine what type of medical evidence we need and when .
11 To convey more information about the new location , companies might consider running tape/slide presentations on the area or taking employees to the new site so that they can see what it is like .
12 We 're holding the gains by effective communiucation between the process and QC operations and by charting the improvement so that everyone can see what has been achieved and can react quickly if they see any deterioration .
13 We 'll do it together if you 're free , and get Helen in as well so that she can learn what goes on .
14 Participant observation , then , is an attempt to put both observer and observed on the same side by making the former a member of the group so that he can experience what they experience and work within their frame of reference .
15 He 's got his own skateboard ramp in his back garden and he video tapes what he does so that he can watch what he 's doing wrong and all the rest of it .
16 If you look at any good policeman , you will notice that he always walks facing the traffic , so that he can see what is coming towards him and is not taken by surprise .
17 Beginner 's course in how to use vidoe equipment : camera , sound lighting , editing in-camera and on a 2-machine suite : how to work as a team ; how to look critically at your video work in order to improve it ; how to begin to feel confident while using the equipment so that you can achieve what you want to achieve .
18 When applying for a place on a re-entry course keep the following questions in mind so that you can compare what is on offer to your own best advantage .
19 The funnel described in this chapter makes the animals come out of the soil or leaves so that you can see what they look like and find out how many there are .
20 As I say , I would like you to be in fairly close proximity to where I am so that you can see what I 'm doing and hear what I 'm saying .
21 There is an improvement to Ami Pro 's style sheets in that there is now a Viewer so that you can see what they look like before selecting one .
22 There is a previewer provided so that you can see what each of the styles looks like in combination with any of the 12 slide templates .
23 STEP 10 CAPTION — Having entered the macro save it as BLOCKCNT.SMM , filling in the description box so that you can understand what it does .
24 Decide where you want the storage directory to be , and name it so that you can understand what it is used for ; for instance , you may create it as follows :
25 and then finding someway what they 've said on there is try to make some sentences that use it so that you can remember what it looks like .
26 I also know how to get the red-tailed buzzard out of a tree at night , so if it flies off I stay by the tree in which it settles until dark , then I go and fetch sticks and a torch so that I can see what I 'm doing .
27 I want to be out on a limb with my back to the water so that I can see what the rest of the world is doing .
28 ‘ If the driver who hit him knows that he hit him , I would urge him to come forward just so that I can know what happened . ’
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