Example sentences of "so [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rationality , so dear to the reforming heart , ironically found its fullest expression in the picking of winners after careful perusal of ‘ the sporting intelligence ’ .
2 One is the romantic , really Wordsworthian , individualist myth so dear to the literary guardians of English national cultural stereotypes .
3 Considering the rock at Tremadog feels so solid on a small scale , it 's rather a shame that it has a large scale tendency to become part of the scree at the foot of the crag !
4 When asked to explain his responses at the end of the study , he replied that his chosen shapes ‘ looked closer and brighter ’ , but did not mention the symmetry which is so striking to a normal observer .
5 Those X-rays , that had taken so long to photograph , that lengthy session when I had got so friendly with the big machine , had so far resulted in nothing .
6 ‘ I 'm so used to the long-haul flights from Hong Kong to Europe .
7 They do n't know what to do because they 're so used to the female nude ; that 's The body !
8 And she was so used to the wrong things being said , to her tactless family , a mother and sister who shouted where angels feared to whisper , to Stephen and his inept words .
9 Sorrels in general were used by the Greeks and Romans for medicinal purposes , and had some medicinal as well as culinary application in mediaeval Britain , but the English sorrel then used ( R. acetosa ) was replaced for culinary purposes by the French version and has been so used until the preset day .
10 For a moment Donaldson supposed that he was in a stable but no , the smell was wrong , dry and musty and not nearly so strong as the fertile stink of horses .
11 His mouth , so strong beneath the dark moustache , was tantalizingly close .
12 The force of party loyalty is not nearly so strong in the American Congress but it does exist ( see table 12.1 ) .
13 All the Argentines adored him and nicknamed him Señor Gracias because he was so grateful for the smallest favour .
14 Pauline , who always had back problems , felt so sorry for the little mare that she took her over from Jackie .
15 And secondly I am so sorry about the terrible thing that happened yesterday morning .
16 Nan had been so supportive during the long war waged with Brian .
17 It has been said that few revolutions have been so complete in the British countryside as the start and end of the railway age .
18 These rates may be exceeded if it is reasonable to do so due to the exceptional competence or expedition with which the work has been carried out or for any other exceptional circumstances ( reg 3(4) ( c ) ) .
19 Several townspeople were so depressed at the semi-popish ways of Charles I and Archbishop Laud that they took their idealism to the New World , to a new and more perfect Dorchester .
20 I think I do it because I 'm so depressed by the poor performance of professional investment managers in the city , and I hope I can do better than they can .
21 When my right hon. and learned Friend meets the chairman of London Transport to discuss improvements , will he draw to his attention the importance of providing for south-east London , which is so ill-served by the underground system , and of driving a route through Camberwell , Dulwich and onwards to Crystal Palace ?
22 so cruel to the fishy elders .
23 Not only then is subcontracting widely practised but the small firms are so dependent on a limited range of buyers that they have little alternative but to accommodate to tight kanban schedules .
24 ( During the third century they were celebrating Easter and Pentecost , which were inherited and then modified from Judaism and so dependent on a lunar year .
25 Black guillemots ( tysties ) have not been so badly affected , perhaps because they are not so dependent on the pelagic fish such as sand-eels and young gadoids ( whitefish ) but catch more bottom-living fish such butterfish and rockling .
26 As Philip Strick and others have commented , his fake gorillas are so indistinguishable from the real ones that they all start to look slightly suspect particularly since five ‘ mime artists ’ but no stuntpersons are credited , and neither director Michael Apted nor associate producer Baker could have risked Sigourney Weaver 's getting seriously injured .
27 I 'm a 19-year-old Scottish university student- But why am I becoming so interested in the Personal columns ?
28 As I had told Dr Viola , I was not so interested in the applied arts .
29 If there was to be a common external policy , economic and strategic , which appeared more and more desirable , as between the parliamentarily self-governing populations around the world that were deemed all to be parts of one empire , the logical but crazy conclusion must be to defy the impracticability that had been so clear in the eighteenth century and to envisage an imperial parliament .
30 The swings of attitude so clear in the historical analysis of deafness had once again created a climate of opinion where the predominance of one methodology could be questioned .
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