Example sentences of "so [conj] [pos pn] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It goes on to recommend that role modelling should itself be the subject of teaching so that its functions may become more explicit and better recognised .
2 A US$5,900 million development fund would be set up to help domestic industry modernize so that its products could compete with new imports .
3 Such applications were prefigured by Michael Frayn some 20 years ago in his novel The Tin Men which features a computer programmed to pray , so that its orisons might bring down divine favour in accordance with Christian teaching : the computer having no selfish motives , its disinterested sincerity can not be doubted .
4 Miss X and her fiance could not afford to buy another property , so she asked Glasgow District Council to repurchase the house so that her parents could stay on as tenants .
5 A safe distance from shore all sails were set and , with the last anchor hauled in , the mizzen and foresails were backed — the crew hanging far out over the deep-blue water to keep the booms at an angle that would force her bows around towards the south so that her mainsails could fill .
6 The culminating symbol of so much diverse activity was to be achieved in the thirteenth century , when the independent cities , led by those of Flanders , erected fine belfries so that their bells should rival those of the churches in summoning the flock to meet .
7 Malatie and her husband were prepared to make sacrifices so that their children might get a decent education : they were paying for two of them to attend a special boarding school for Harijans .
8 If they are filled with progressive rubbish , they should demand from the headmaster and governors that they should return to traditional structured learning so that their children will have a fair chance .
9 He and his wife were badly shaken and decided to move out of Ulster so that their children could grow up under normal conditions .
10 Cars would slow down so that their drivers could have a better look .
11 They do n't only help to sponsor Sky 's TV Soccer but close down a factory and various assembly lines so that their workers will have time to watch !
12 Tied cottages also depressed farm wages , making farm workers unable to afford council house rents-Thus , the rents could not be lowered without raising the rates , while farmers were not going voluntarily to raise wages just so that their workers could afford to live in council houses .
13 The Booseys had , from 1963 , cleared scrub so that their goats could graze there , and reinforced the fence .
14 Those of the Indus and Ganges dolphins even lack lenses , so that their eyes can tell them little more than the difference between light and darkness , between day and night .
15 I mean people move in to Hayes specially so that their kids can go there .
16 He turned his face so that their lips could join , making another temple where their tongues embraced , stroking each other , running over teeth .
17 He was kissing her hungrily , then he lifted her off her feet and carried her to the water 's edge , resting her on the sand so that their bodies could feel the gentle ebb and fall of the sea against them .
18 When we are babies we cry so that our parents will pick us up and cuddle us .
19 The process had to be completed by the end of May so that our agents could ensure that cancellations took effect from the earliest possible date .
20 And at the same time improve the water supply situation there , by providing some standpipes so that our groundsmen can water a number of the er various facilities down there .
21 But the world of the mystic is more than a garden or harvest , we must become the painters and dyers of our thoughts so that our minds will become great landscapes .
22 so that your bones will grow .
23 Corns and callouses are best treated by a chiropodist — book an appointment soon so that your feet will look and feel their best in time for the summer .
24 Tuck empty scent bottles into your wardrobe and drawers , leaving the tops off so that your clothes can soak up the subtle aroma left in the bottles .
25 In writing the why-dun-it you will need to draw characters of varying depth so that your readers can share with you the delights of analysis .
26 It is hard to portray them so that your readers will know who is who each time one of them appears .
27 Chapman aimed to finish the season among the top five so that his players would qualify for bonuses under a new League scheme .
28 Maxwell still thinks he can run this himself , pay up and leave with his daughter rather than keep his money and have the case come to court so that his affairs might have to be examined — that could cost him more than the ransom .
29 Then the front zip of her jeans yielded to his importuning hands and he eased away a little so that his fingers could slide inside , seeking , exploring , sensitising , until shudders shook her from head to foot .
30 You ought to be strong enough by then to cope with the journey , and I can try to organise things at the hospital so that my assistants can cope . ’
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