Example sentences of "so [conj] [pers pn] be [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly so where it is felt that the consideration did not have a causative effect upon the authority 's determination and where the decision being impugned is not determinative of rights , such as a decision by a local authority to refer a landlord to a rent tribunal .
2 Expressions like , ‘ at this moment in time ’ , ‘ in this day and age ’ , ‘ part and parcel ’ may be practised so that they are recognized and ignored .
3 Whatever the wedding organizers decide , it is important to let the toastmaster and the speechmakers know , so that they are prepared and do not disappear at the vital moment .
4 A Gestalt is a mode of perception of a group of objects — say of the dots in a printed picture — so that they are seen as one thing .
5 So much so that they are seen as ‘ natural . ’
6 We must look at things in a new way , and from the wrong angle so that they are distorted and transformed .
7 Most gasifiers are therefore designed to draw the tars through the combustion zone so that they are cracked or burned .
8 The person repeatedly sets up situations so that they are caught and , figuratively , kicked as though a Kick Me sign were pinned on their back .
9 It 's a bonus to have your papers delivered , but my newspaper boy , like all others , had perfected the art of cramming them in the letter box so that they were shredded as you pulled them inside .
10 This morning the sky was blue with powder-puff clouds and the sea sparkled so that he was dazzled when he looked at it .
11 With the words had come the fleeting impression of dark , sinuous creatures who could slither out of the shadows and wind their cold , serpentine fingers about you , so that you were trapped , who could twine about your entire body , so that you were smothered and suffocating from the cold embrace …
12 If doubt can be turned destructively against truth so that it is dismissed as error , doubt can also be used constructively to prosecute error disguised as .
13 Furthermore , pressed by urban problems and sometimes apparently with other motives , several countries , such as Brazil , Colombia , Indonesia ( where , since 1905 , at least 2.5 million people have been moved from crowded Java , Bali and Lombok , to the ‘ outer ’ islands — an official figure where two or three times this number may have emigrated unassisted ) and Peru are promoting transmigration schemes so that it is projected that the number of forest farmers could double or increase even more than that .
14 One positive approach to the acceptance of other special equipment is to explain its use to fully sighted pupils , let them see it and use it so that it is regarded as something of interest to everyone .
15 What happens if the income is paid to a person resident in the United Kingdom and it is paid so that it is received as taxable income in the hands of that beneficiary ?
16 So if you are told that your baby is lactase deficient after some routine tests , you should be prepared to question the diagnosis and ask your doctor to help you investigate the possibility of food sensitivity , as described in the following section .
17 Chloral is a sedative and not an analgesic , so if it is felt that the above signs are due to pain , the doctor must prescribe analgesia in addition to , or instead of , chloral .
18 He said it was the first time he 'd done so but he was damned if he was going to be wheeled into a restaurant like a blasted mental patient out with his nurse . ’
19 His appointment is thought to herald a tougher security policy particularly so since it was announced that the back bench
20 He knew that he ought to see a physician , but was unwilling to do so lest he be told that he was not , after all , cured of syphilis .
21 On this basis alone the islands have clearly exceeded their carrying capacity , the more so when it is realised that almost all the food imports are in the form of foreign aid .
22 Here it suffices to say that the aim is to ensure that a company is required to do so when it is thought that the matter is one that the public needs to know .
23 This is particularly so when it is remembered that the working parties are serviced by the DES , whose influence on a group of disparate experts meeting only intermittently and working under great pressure , is very considerable indeed .
24 This is particularly so when it is remembered that certificates are only granted in those cases where there are reasonable grounds for taking action .
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