Example sentences of "so [adj] that [pers pn] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Christians see the power of God 's love as so strong that it overcomes sin and death .
2 Liz has always taken a great deal of interest in make-up and admits to being ‘ so vain that I wear Revlon 's Aqualash waterproof mascara when diving ’ .
3 I became lively , hard-working , and so well-organised that I found inefficiency in others deplorable .
4 There are paints which are so liquid that they resemble inks , paints of a more creamy consistency and also free-flowing acrylics in tubes .
5 I would like to be away from here , I am not too old for new surroundings , not so old that I feel dread and insecurity in the prospect of a change .
6 Johanna was so popular that it took police a day to talk to all her friends after she was reported missing .
7 If the choice of site was intended to reinforce fraternal solidarity , it failed : Lothar 's palace at Thionville was too close for comfort , and his brothers still mistrusted him so much that they demanded hostages from him to guarantee the security of their own negotiators .
8 There had been unsuccessful attempts even further south ; the unfortunate Raleigh got himself out of the Tower by promising to find James 1 a supply of gold in Guiana , but he found no gold and he irritated the Spanish so much that they pushed James into having him executed in 1618 on the 1604 charge of treason .
9 It was not so much that she took things from the house — though his racial fear of the poorhouse or famine was deep — but that she left the house at all .
10 It was not so much that she distrusted banks as the bother for the visit .
11 She 'd be sluicing her face down with cold water , I assumed , vowing never again to drink so much that she lost control of herself in such an embarrassing , such an appallingly dangerous and potentially disastrous way .
12 This impressed Boulton so much that he asked Murdock to call again .
13 She 'd been convinced he respected her so much that he had intentions of a more permanent nature .
14 The plane was loaded down so much that it had difficulty in skimming the tops of those large mountains , but I was not troubled , thinking that the pilot was a well-trained American , until after an hour of this mountain hopping a small Chinese face appeared at the cockpit door and said , ‘ Is you all all-lite ? ’
15 It 's still a hot air story , and we give most hot air stories — some dignitary with no power to do anything to change the situation has ‘ called for ’ , ‘ demanded ’ , ‘ warned ’ or whatever — but the issue is so serious that it deserves notice : we have frequently highlighted the manner in which US — and European — anti-dumping measures that supposedly benefit a tiny minority are to the detriment of the vast majority , and there is now a groundswell of opinion at the US Department of Commerce that the International Trade Commission 's brief in considering charges of dumping should extend to a review of the impact of duties on consumers ; the current issue is the anti-dumping duties likely to be made permanent today on memory chip imports from South Korea , which are sought by Micron Technology Inc but opposed by both all memory chip users and by the US chip capital equipment manufacturers that sell to the South Koreans .
16 Sometimes I found the odd social worker somewhat racist or maybe so ignorant that he appeared racist .
17 Hearing these words and seeing the speaker ride boldly toward him , the tiger was so alarmed that he turned tail and bolted into the forest .
18 Senior White House aides and CIA officials have been telling members of the Congressional Intelligence Committees this week that Gen Noriega is drinking heavily , taking drugs , and is so nervous that he moves addresses four and five times a night .
19 It often leaves her wheezing , very short of breath and it can be so dangerous that she needs drugs to control it and treatment in hospital .
20 ‘ Thank you , ’ I reply , in a voice so matter-of-fact that I see Lil pulsate in a seven-headed double-take .
21 It was by then already obvious that the schools had overcome their first reservations er about what the scheme had to offer and it was so obvious that they deserved recognition for their efforts that it led to my colleagues , Councillor and putting down the motion to Council in April of this year , drawing attention to the continuing success in schools throughout the district of the Local Management initiative .
22 Try not to tense the muscles so hard that you produce cramp or pain .
23 I am so glad that you came north over Easter , and I hope it wo n't be too long before we can get to know each other a little better .
24 ‘ But I 'm just so glad that you enjoy modelling .
25 In the event , however , it was a glossy book from the Town Planning Ministry in 1986 that really took the message to the public — and that message was so remarkable that it deserves examination in some detail .
26 Funnily enough , we had just as much peril when the thaw came , because it was so rapid that it caused flooding .
27 I have ridden in the hon. Gentleman 's car , which is so large that it enters Wandsworth as soon as it enters the boundary of Lambeth .
28 Refrigerated display cabinets are micro-processor controlled to ensure that they run at exactly the correct temperature — cold enough to preserve food properly , not so cold that they waste energy .
29 Any contestant who , in the referee 's opinion , becomes so over-excited that he loses self control may be disqualified from the entire tournament .
30 The published statistics are therefore retained for this purpose , but , as one company commented , their use is , however , so infrequent that it has difficulty in locating the relevant data when they are needed !
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