Example sentences of "as [subord] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Passing a street-light came to seem quite an event ; one watched their brave little sulphurous smudges receding with a feeling akin to despair , as if we might never find another .
2 as if we would so dishonour our mother republic ! ’
3 as if we would never have the time to say all the things we needed to say to each other .
4 Manuel Caballeros took immense care with his fifteen-foot putt , stalking the line in both directions , conferring with his caddie , who had taken the pin out , staring at distant parts of the green as if they might unexpectedly become pregnant .
5 He states these facts slowly and carefully , as if they might somehow have slipped her mind .
6 Mortgage rates increased dramatically and seemed as if they would never fall .
7 Old feuds of race were diminishing , rivalries and prejudices were by degrees fading out.Such frequent and such intimate relations had thus been established between nations , that it seemed as if they must soon unite in one family , in one single federal state .
8 It was as if they should simply fade away when they got old like the soldiers they represented on stage .
9 I might remember not to treat people as if they could only act in one way .
10 On the other hand , if we ignore the ego and its functions in man and concentrate on his instincts as if they could totally account for his behaviour as they do in animals who lack an ego , we should fall into the alternative trap of failing to account for his culture at all except as the outcome of doubtful instinctual behaviour of an altruistic or civilized kind .
11 In flight , its little wings look as if they can barely hold it in the air .
12 At the moment , Fergie 's high-flyers look as if they can only give away the title if it was not for carelessness against Newcastle they would still have a 100% record .
13 We have spoken about old partners as if they will always have had a long life together and that is indeed the case in many of the pairs whom we currently encounter .
14 His glance swept all three of us challengingly : as if one could possibly forget a Surkov improvisation !
15 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
16 Emmie shivered as if she would never stop .
17 She felt as if she would never need sleep again .
18 Araminta 's face screwed into a mask of rage and she breathed deeply , as if she could barely contain herself .
19 She felt as if she could even feel smoke , stale and greasy , in her hair .
20 His pole was impaling her to the absolute limit , and she began panting as if she 'd just run the four-minute mile .
21 After a while , Marcus , as if impatient , or to see if he had had any effect , stopped the breathing exercise and , half sitting up , began to pull the limp body about , almost roughly , almost angrily , as if he would scarcely believe that he was not succeeding .
22 He stepped forward and took hold of Ruth 's wrists , as if he would forcibly stop her .
23 She slid obediently off the bar stool , bidding a civil good-morning to the café owner who looked , McLeish observed , as if he would willingly have swept her into his plump Italian embrace , and they walked together to the gates of New Scotland Yard .
24 Hank was fun , even if it did look as if he would never make Grade 12 and never earn much .
25 ‘ But your representative completed the transaction yesterday , ’ Mr Palmer assured me , looking as if he would never understand what made me tick .
26 Without speaking or smiling , he was holding me tightly round the waist , as if he would never let go .
27 His mouth commanded hers again , as if he would never let her go , and his tongue was an exquisite torment .
28 Once that soapbox came out , Major campaigned as if he would now do and say what he really thought .
29 As gently as she could , Ruth told her that Patrick had taken to his bed many years ago , finishing , ‘ It seems as if he 'll never get any better .
30 Belov looked thoughtfully at the ground around them , as if he might still read signs that had long ago disappeared .
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