Example sentences of "as [conj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then he stiffened as if sandbagged by a sudden recollection , gave a small yelp of terror and dashed into the gloom .
2 In one of a series of flashy special effects that often intrude rather than enhance the action , Streep 's upper and nether regions instantaneously tighten as if bolted into an invisible vice .
3 The skylight in the ceiling looked as if covered by a dark purple cloth .
4 The smallest of the British gulls , it lay dead in the snow , pale grey and white plumage , grey cheek patch , greenish bill , short black legs ; quite frozen and in near-perfect condition — as if stored in an open air deep-freeze .
5 According to David Hume , Locke was not alone in thinking that visual perception involves something two-dimensional : ‘ It is commonly allowed by philosophers that all bodies which discover themselves to the eye appear as if painted on a plain surface . ’
6 This triggers chemical changes in your body , which reacts as if threatened by a foreign substance .
7 Twist our arms and we 'll plump for his brilliantly-executed diatribe against the somewhat larger rock acts currently doing the rounds : ‘ Gim me something small and poisonous , with teeth , born out of the gutter , ’ oozed The Ig , eyes bulging as if strapped to the electric chair .
8 But they appeared to me as if seen through the wrong end of a telescope , muted and unreal .
9 An order made by a court in any part of the United Kingdom in bankruptcy proceedings can be enforced in any other part of the United Kingdom as if made by the corresponding court in that other part except in so far as the order relates to property situated there ( unless the Secretary of State and the Lord Chancellor make provision for this ) ( s 426(1)-(3) ) .
10 They seemed to glow in the flickering green-gold gold light , as if embraced by a holy nimbus .
11 ‘ Hand In Glove ’ , as if written in the euphoric condition of a new found love affair , holds all the ecstasy of that irrational condition with a typical defeatist twist in the tail .
12 It flashed from the woodwork and the walls ; it smote him with an awful , total power , as if generated by a vast mill .
13 ( 2 ) Anything done … or having effect as done , under a provision reproduced in the consolidating Acts has effect as if done under the corresponding provision of the consolidating Acts .
14 He did not feel afraid of the ghost and tried to speak to him , but the figure was sad and morose as if struck by a remorseless tragedy .
15 ‘ Mrs Crump , I presume , ’ said Hope , gallantly slicing through the knot , and then he stood back as if struck by a startling thought .
16 ‘ Yes , I 'm afraid they 're ruined , ’ the voice continued , as if engaged in a different conversation .
17 There are illusory curtains , from ceiling to floor , which gently billow into the room as if blown by a warm , gentle breeze .
18 In principle , an applicant who should have brought his or her case under Ord. 53 , but did not , will lose : there is no provision under which the case can continue as if begun in the correct way .
19 Suddenly the bird , as if influenced by the magical incantations against the picture below , twitched and dropped down dead .
20 She had n't moved from the cockpit sole , but crouched there looking aft as if mesmerised by the towering storm front .
21 ( a beating ) Though my whole inside felt as if clutched in an icy grip , I had gone too far to retreat .
22 The knife sprang into the air , arced up a few inches as if powered by a small spring .
23 When he died , his hand was found outstretched , resting on the chair , as if held by an unseen friend .
24 ‘ Little talk with Jesus ? ’ he said , and , halfway through reaching for a tube of tomato purée , he closed his eyes and froze solid as if overtaken by a large quantity of molten lava .
25 He became pale and ill as if taken by a sudden seizure . ’
26 She sighed as if relieved of a huge weight and leaned against his chest , waiting for his arms to go round her , her heart singing as his heart thudded fast beside her cheek .
27 Back on the storm-front , lightning flashed and thunder exploded in long runs that seemed to envelop the length of the mountain chain as if spread by a giant paint-roller .
28 The words are italicised instead , which makes them stand out , as if starred by the new typeface .
29 Sore as if bruised with a sore throat , consider Phytolacca which also has a hot red face and cold limbs and body .
30 Any unallocated payments are held in a suspense account , but once an appropriate charge is identified , the amount is treated as if allocated on the original date of the overpayment .
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