Example sentences of "as [conj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So it has been held that a provision in a statute that regulations made under the statute will take effect as if enacted in the statute ( that is , they will be unchallengeable as if they were made by Parliament ) does not prevent the courts holding the regulation to be ultra vires .
2 as if summoned by the music , a pang assaulted her heart .
3 It floats above us , gleaming in the darkness as if supported on a cloud of talk and booze while the people below swarm and chat and roar Andy on ; the champagne — already dripping down off the edges of the table onto the temporary matting beneath from spillages — is almost overflowing the second-last level of glasses .
4 However the gem is surely the Third Ballade with the opening pages played as if improvised on the spot , the figuration commencing at 3′34″ foaming and cascading with a freedom and liberality unknown to most players .
5 But as if fixed to a wall there .
6 As his hand closed on the rubber border , the man appeared to steady , staring fixedly as if fascinated by the spectacle .
7 The fingers were clamped solid as if sewn into the material .
8 Each phrase followed on from the next as if stored for an age and waiting to be spoken in just this way .
9 At that moment , emerging from the saloon below as if propelled from a circus cannon , there appeared a distinctly grotesque figure .
10 He was black , too , as if coated with a layer of paint .
11 According to his biographer , Henry Bordeaux , even when he landed he remained in a trance ‘ as if electrified by the fluid still passing through his frame ’ Though through so many dogfights he seemed to bear a charmed life , this kind of nervous impulsiveness seemed bound to lead to disaster .
12 Her face looked rough-hewn , as if carved from a cliff .
13 For long moments Frankie was held as if transfixed by the man 's gaze .
14 as if moved by a key , her own head turned until she confronted him .
15 When it got within spitting distance of Mafouz , who was now standing , arms loosely apart , mouth open , as if hypnotized by the thing 's movements , it did a sharp turn to the left , bounced along horizontally for a few yards , and then snarled up and down to land on the unfortunate boy 's head .
16 At last he understood , and fell into a chair , as if hit on the head .
17 St John jumped as if hit between the shoulders , then turned slowly and stiffly to face the speaker .
18 He said this as if amused by the thought .
19 And at its base , as if tossed to the ground from one of the tower 's high windows , was a highly stylised rose .
20 as if slapped across the face , she opened her eyes and looked up as her monster was tugged off its feet by invisible forces .
21 His years as a sculptor had taught him to see the human figure in solid , three-dimensional form , and his people now have necks like columns , oval or elongated faces and noses sharply drawn , as if cut into the planes of the face .
22 Disney 's contribution to the built environment has superimposed North American regional vernacular architecture of the 19th and early 20th century on the Ile de France : a Pacific North West national park lodge , a South West pueblo , a Far West cowboy town , an East Coast seaside club , a South East Victorian resort , and a piece of 1930s Manhattan — albeit somewhat distorted , as if seen through the lens of a Hollywood movie camera .
23 Landscapes are treated unusually , in frescoes and also in sealstones , as if seen from the air or through a fish-eye lens .
24 ‘ Gettogeddon ’ is one of the biggest noises you ever heard : this is house as if made by an orchestra , not a sampler .
25 And suddenly a sharp pain as if stabbed in the gut .
26 The skin of his face hung on its framework like the hides of the penthouse , and weariness and anger and pain scored his brow as if done by a hatchet .
27 But by misfortune his telescope had now wandered back again and was trained on the Cutcherry at the very moment that it exploded with a flash that burnt itself so deeply into the Collector 's brain that he reeled , as if struck in the eye by a musket ball And then there was nothing but smoke , dust , debris , and a crash which dropped a picture from the wall behind him .
28 The jaws appear as if recessed within the mouth .
29 At the back , as if distanced to the utmost from the woman who ab initio had publicly sought to claim him as escort , friend , and guide , sat Phil Aldrich , slowly reading the evening 's edition of The Oxford Mail .
30 She sat up in the bed , dumbstruck , her face aglow as if lit from the inside .
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