Example sentences of "can only [verb] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One can only conclude that the story about the two-way radios is entirely false .
2 They give the appearance of a ‘ setting sun ’ under the D string and , as everything else appears to line up okay , I can only presume that the markers themselves are off-centre .
3 The crypts were small , too small to have needed a central pillar to support the ceiling , so we can only presume that the pillar had a symbolic significance to the Minoans ( Plate 18 ) .
4 The commitment of such a large organisation can only ensure that the levels of excellence will always remain outstanding .
5 One can only suppose that the smiths at Igbo Ukwu enjoyed demonstrating their virtuosity .
6 I can only suggest that the feathers you had gained for your hat , or your head , during your 10 months in America , should be collected then stuck up your tochas .
7 One can only speculate that the GMC took the easy option and avoided testing the issue of clinical ecology head on because it feared a lengthy presentation of evidence on both sides , with the risk of an inconclusive result .
8 We are unable to explain why vitamin B12 absorption decreased during treatment with loperamide oxide , but can only comment that the magnitude of the change was relatively small .
9 He was never told why he lost his captaincy and I can only think that the committee felt that a more adventurous approach was needed .
10 I can only think that the teacher wanted to get as much mileage from the whole thing as she could .
11 I can only assume that the crew of this barge were new to boating as their attempt to get by the bridge was reminiscent of ’ Game for a Laugh ’ .
12 Where hedging of bets ( ‘ ambiguity ’ ) is not just feasible but desirable , we can only assume that the problem is not cancer , but hypochondria .
13 One can only assume that the farm would suffer if this came about .
14 I can only assume that the words were left out because an assurance ’ vigorously ’ to continue ’ fighting crime ’ would have raised only a horse laugh when offered by a Government with a record of this Government on this subject .
15 One can only assume that the purchasers of these lichen-grey accoutrements are members of EXIT , and that anyone attempting to rescue them would receive a bloody nose for their trouble .
16 It is not the Commission 's policy to disclose the reasons for its decisions , and I can only assume that the Commission prefer the Refreshment Department 's current practices , which were designed to promote healthy and nutritious food in the House .
17 I can only assume that the NI went to press before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait for this important factor to have been omitted .
18 For the second consecutive year , Winemark have entered a selection of wines in the International Wine Challenge 1993 and , with more than 130 medal winners , this year 's success can only confirm that the quality of their wine is of the highest standard .
19 Some names will occur naturally in the narrative and I can only hope that the others know how highly their contribution , co-operation and companionship were valued .
20 One can only hope that the £2 million restructured county ground at Bristol , where the old Victorian orphanages can give such a depressing aura to the ambience , will bring a corresponding resurgence in the fortunes of the team .
21 ‘ We can only hope that the courts will deal very seriously with attacks on police officers . ’
22 As for those remaining at Smiths they can only hope that the recession has done it 's worst — and that further job cuts are not on the horizon .
23 We can only hope that the message was garbled in transmission , or possibly in translation from the Italian — a much more difficult language than many seem prepared to believe .
24 Businesses which rely on traffic for trade can only hope that the message does n't go unheeded .
25 While over 2,300 people wait on death rows countrywide to see if they will die or not , we can only hope that the US comes to its senses soon .
26 We can only hope that the future will see technological advance : perhaps overhead power lines will carry DC in preference to AC to the extent that converters are used to generate AC domestically or industrially .
27 I can only hope that the bursar now inhabits a wholly healthy Oxford .
28 This can only mean that the University Press at Oxford kept the type of the second edition standing for over fifty years , or else had a large number of the second edition sheets left over and stored .
29 Steven Stud , 40 , said : ‘ I can only surmise that the people at the Cambridge hospice did n't want us there .
30 I can only say that the parting was such sweet sorrow .
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