Example sentences of "can not be [verb] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The essence of a club is that it is select and private ; you can not be followed in there .
2 If they can not be replaced by more adequate instruments , an electric keyboard can lie appropriate .
3 The test therefore , from this and other evidence can not be relied on completely .
4 Whilst the factual study produced considerable valuable information , there are gaps and some errors in methodology which mean that its conclusions can not be relied on exclusively in an assessment of the present procedure .
5 Although firms may use a variety of contractual and structural techniques to try to deal with these problems , the uncertainty surrounding the extent to which it is possible to exclude or modify fiduciary obligations by contract or disclosure and consent , and as to the extent to which the use of Chinese walls provides protection as a matter of private law against allegations of breach of fiduciary duty , means that these techniques can not be relied upon exclusively .
6 So , shareholders can not be relied upon necessarily to provide much of a constraint on managers .
7 A fragment from an altarpiece can not be appraised in just the same way as an independent portrait ; and a craftsman 's skill is esteemed more accurately when the materials used are rightly identified .
8 Unlike material from the Earth and other meteorites , carbonaceous chondrites have oxygen-isotope abundances which can not be explained by purely mass-related effects .
9 But some malformations can not be diagnosed until late in pregnancy .
10 the same results can not be obtained by less restrictive means .
11 When will the Prime Minister acknowledge that the aspirations of the Welsh and Scottish people can not be sidelined for ever , and when will Parliament act ?
12 Landowners , farmers ( and local authorities ) naturally use the land they control to maximum advantage , so of course , they build flood banks to prevent flood damage and can not be prevented from so doing .
13 How can they develop a coherent strategy for residential care in general if the needs of dementing elderly people and their carers can not be met by more positive and appropriate patterns of care ?
14 The fact that future generations may find themselves living in a warmer planet can not be built into today 's selection processes .
15 The question is whether David Mellor knows that mere fun gets boring very quickly ; that excellence , whether in the media , sports or arts can be achieved only through difficulty , through painstaking work , through seriousness ; that people can not be conned for long .
16 Victim 's interpretations and memories indicate that victim studies can not be assumed to accurately reflect the ‘ real ’ extent of crime ; and the search for more reliable and direct indicators has included the development of self-report studies .
17 Particular records can not be searched for directly .
18 " The people " can not be equated with only a majority of them , nor can " government by the people " be equated with government by the majority , let alone the representatives of the majority .
19 Do n't look at the fields immediately below , because the slopes can not be seen from directly above .
20 This second type of exclamation can not be analysed in exactly the same terms as the first type , however , since the infinitive refers to an event which has already occurred and not to one whose occurrence is an object of someone 's longing or desire .
21 Although we know intellectually that the status quo can not be maintained for ever , we feel profoundly disturbed when irreversible change actually happens .
22 However , it is axiomatic that if such successful strategies have been so developed they have not been published and therefore can not be commented upon here or in any other similar text .
23 If a caution was required , it can not be dispensed with simply to facilitate the operation .
24 Such heavy particles can not be created at even the highest energies particle accelerators can reach , but they could have been produced copiously in the aftermath of the big bang , with which , cosmologists generally believe , the Universe began .
25 So in empty space the field can not be fixed at exactly zero , because then it would have both a precise value ( zero ) and a precise rate of change ( also zero ) .
26 ‘ We must take Landor , and if he goes , Wilson must go to look after him for we can not and the Storys can not be imposed upon again .
27 The spirituality can not be imposed from above .
28 It can not be imposed from without .
29 Law gave credence to such fears by his unashamed espousal of the image created round him ; in May 1912 he told the National Union that " nobody knows better than I do that political work can not be done on strictly business lines , but the nearer you can approach to business lines the better for the political work " .
30 On the other hand , it is fairly obvious that " strong " stemming — the removal of longer and more " meaningful " suffixes such as " ization " " ism " and ability " often can not be done without drastically altering the sense of a search ( consider " organ " " organic " " organism " and " organization " ) .
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