Example sentences of "can be see to be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Things matter if , as themes , they can be seen to be frequently returned to in the documents and , moreover , to be responding to the stated purposes of Pope John in calling the Council .
2 Where the issue of assessment and examining in the arts becomes problematical is in those instances where the justification can be seen to be overtly influenced by external factors .
3 Out of this , we can arrive perhaps at some principles of practice which can be seen to be both compatible with normalisation ( in our preferred sense ) and supportive of self-advocacy .
4 The range can be seen to be surprisingly restricted , however , with the emphasis on basic services ( especially metalworking ) at most sites ; more specialized activities are less well represented .
5 Bearing in mind that the Earth is only about 150 million kilometres from the Sun , the chances of one of our spores being captured by any potentially life-sustaining planet of a Centauri can be seen to be very slender indeed .
6 Commerce can be seen to be more closely regulated from the late seventh and eighth centuries onwards in the form of manufacturing and trading centres ( Hodges 1982a ) , although these certainly do not necessarily imply free trade ; in fact , quite the opposite , for the evidence from Saxon Southampton , Hamwic , indicates that the craftsman there were as tied and organised as the rural ‘ peasantry ’ .
7 When a whisker grows from solution or from vapour there generally first appears a very fine filament or leader which in the electron microscope can be seen to be almost perfectly smooth .
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