Example sentences of "can only [vb infin] [conj] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You can only score if your centre of gravity is inside the area as your technique makes contact .
2 I can only suppose that my name had respectable associations , and he thought it might allay criticism in what might be called Athenaeum circles .
3 It is not like me to lack perception and I can only suppose that my enthusiasm overruled my common sense .
4 They can only suggest that their involvement may be due to such personal circumstances as geographical proximity to ‘ rougher ’ areas , conflict with parents or school authorities or an opportunity to act out racist tendencies .
5 The annual report of the Scottish Prison Officers ' Association — published today — attacks senior management and declares : ‘ We can only assume that their tactic is to try to negate the role of trade unions within the service . ’
6 ‘ Given senior management 's reluctance to identify the role of area directors , we can only assume that their tactic is to try to negate the role of trade unions within the service .
7 His food goes in a corner manger and a brick goes in with it ; the weight of the brick means he ca n't throw the manger about and we can only assume that its bulk gives him something to think about .
8 One can only assume that your club committee have the welfare of both the fishery and your fish at heart which we should not knock .
9 These knobbly penises were also supposed to add excitement to love making — we can only hope that their ladies appreciated the gesture .
10 I can only hope that his kind of electioneering cynicism will fail abysmally and by the time National Music Day comes round next year , Tim Renton will have left office too .
11 The Trust adds : ‘ The immense work done by the three principal participants , Simon Pepper ( WWF ) , John Hunt ( RSPB ) and Nigel Hawkins ( JMMT ) and the crucial role played by Chris Brasher has to be acknowledged and we can only regret that their efforts were not rewarded with a more positive outcome . ’
12 While Sunday provides the flash-point for our worship , this can only happen when our Mondays to Saturdays are filled with praise for God as well .
13 ‘ Although she told me she can only ring when her daddy is out as he does n't like animals …
14 A small indeterminate woman in a lightly belted black raincoat slipped in past me : she had wispy fair hair and I could see at once from whence the twins had inherited what I can only describe as their nebulousness — a sense of the nebulae or star cluster that is better seen out of the corner of the eye .
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