Example sentences of "can be [verb] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A great deal of care in both societies , however , can be seen to be effective , and a good deal more can not be evaluated at all .
2 Thus the difference in the polarization of the approaching waves in this situation can be seen to be equivalent to the rotational parameter in the Kerr solution .
3 Making use of equations ( 8.36 ) and ( 8.37 ) , the simplifying condition on can be seen to be equivalent to which in practice simply means that the coil providing impedance must have a high Q-factor .
4 The degree to which the ESSE/L Project can be seen to be radical either as an initiative , or in its actual impact in schools , depends on how close it comes to one or other of these doctrines .
5 Moreover , the ideological shifts that did occur can be seen to be consistent outgrowths of earlier party positions ; they did not represent , as contemporary propagandists liked to suggest , an abandonment of previous principles .
6 The logic factor can be seen to be bimodal in this part of its range .
7 It is here that theorisations which see the nuclear family as a means for controlling the working class in the ‘ interests of capitalism ’ can be seen to be inadequate .
8 This can be seen by computing the scalar invariant given here by ( 9.22 ) Using ( 9.6 ) and ( 9.13 ) , I can be seen to be unbounded when for all values of k 1 and k 2 in the required range ( 9.9 ) .
9 The barbs can be seen to be separate branches lined with polyps .
10 For example , successive homeobox genes can be seen to be active , the further away from the polarizing region the cell is .
11 Though the panther 's coat looks totally black , in certain lights it can be seen to be patterned with even darker spots .
12 Both can be seen to be intermediate in form between their humbler , undeveloped counterparts , and those sites characterized by a more complex irregular network of streets behind the frontages .
13 Creativity can be seen to be complementary , rather than opposed , to conventional engineering , which must be present at an adequate level to permit a high quality solution .
14 The sources of pottery found on a Roman site in London in the 3rd century can be seen to be widespread .
15 At first this might sound a little too simple — or a clever exit from responsibility — but if thought about can be seen to be true .
16 Nathaniel Houlton , a widower living in Bristol , itemized the details of his coffin in a will drafted on 26 May 1767 : ‘ First , It is my Will and Desire ( if it can be done without being Offensive ) to have my Body kept for the space of One Week at the Least after my Demise , before my Coffin ( which I direct shall have a Double or false Lid , as my late Wife 's had ) , be closed up ; …
17 The important thing to ensure is that the measure is done in the same way each year so that true trends can be discerned by being able to compare like with like .
18 Thus while generally speaking all terms listed can be presumed to be unfair , this presumption may be contested by a seller who uses this type of term in specific situations .
19 Water meters can be argued to be fair .
20 For it is being questioned whether a symbol which would appear to be necessarily male can be said to be inclusive of all humanity .
21 Those who win regularly on significant issues can be said to be powerful .
22 It believes that everything in the world is related to everything else in such an intimate way that only the whole is , can be said to be real , and only by seeing everything in its associated network of the whole to which it belongs , of the complete whole to which it belongs , can it be understood .
23 Yet , as Mary Ainsworth ( 1969 ) points out in relation to the concept of attachment between mother and child ( monkeys included ) , a mental or physiological condition can be said to be present even when it is not visible in behaviour .
24 God is present throughout reality in the sense in which a person can be said to be present throughout his or her body .
25 As we noted , anaphora concerns the use of ( usually ) a pronoun to refer to the same referent as some prior term , as in : ( 90 ) Harry 's a sweetheart ; he 's so considerate where Harry and he can be said to be co-referential , i.e. pick out the same referent .
26 Two is that there , in some sense , some perhaps rather extended and difficult sense , this totality of everything which we have to take by storm directly if any detail of the world is every to be understood , can be said to be mental .
27 If all these separate grams occur then the candidate string can be said to be allowable .
28 Two are highly valued , namely lidya ( shy , timid , ashamed ) and höntugen ( frightened , fearful ) , and can be said to be integral aspects of the Chewong person ( Howell 1988 ) .
29 By virtue of being hand-made , all oriental rugs can be said to be unique — a weaver , no matter how hard he or she tries to follow a particular design , will invariably make small mistakes or innovations which will impart some individual flavour to the work — but it is rare to encounter a rug in which the weaver has consciously striven to express his own creative ideas at the expense of a traditional design .
30 Is saying , ‘ Oh , I 'm so tired ’ natural tiredness-behaviour for us , in spite of the fact that ‘ I 'm tired ’ , unlike yawning , even pretence yawning , can be said to be true or false ?
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