Example sentences of "as a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This is seen as a better guide to a school 's and pupils ' performance , particularly where there is a wide difference in social and ethnic backgrounds .
2 Since the enactment of s 459 1985 , it has been regarded as a better remedy for a minority affected by prejudice in a company to ask for a share purchase order under s 461 rather than to seek a return of share capital through a winding-up petition which results in the liquidation of a solvent company ( a member can not petition under s 122(1) ( g ) if the company is insolvent because he has no interest ) .
3 The family must be able to accept the child as a black child in a positive way and not dismiss the child 's colour as insignificant , because in society generally the truth is the opposite .
4 ‘ You must be joking , ’ she said , and began to tell me something of her experience as a black girl in a predominantly white city : of the boutique manageress who said to her assistant , ‘ Watch that black girl — they pinch things . ’
5 So life went on and I adapted to my new country , to living as a black youngster in a white-dominated society .
6 When at last I came to the start of the mad little road to Lochinver , I followed it over the bleak moorland , Stac Polly now appearing as a black spire in a halo of sunlight .
7 I do not suppose that the ultimate mental component of the universe is some spooky , all-embracing mind that is more real than flesh-and-blood people , nor that we should treat the state or community as a real person with a distinct interest or point of view or even welfare of its own , nor that we can ask the range of questions about a state 's principles — for example whether it accepted them freely or was misled or misunderstands them — that we can ask about aspects of a real person 's moral life .
8 A futures contract is distinguished from a forward contract by the fact that it is traded anonymously as a homogeneous product on an exchange , whereas a forward contract is one whose specification is determined in direct negotiation between a particular seller and a particular buyer , and is therefore not normally tradeable .
9 B Ltd would then pay up a dividend outside a group income election as a franked payment to A Ltd .
10 Either we can think of the UK and every other economy as a coherent whole with a dynamic of its own or we can think of it as subordinate to the world economy such that its parts are the cogs of an international economy and have no coherence on a national basis .
11 Cotransfection of GAL4-RAP30 and VP16-RAP74 has been shown to transactivate the expression of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase ( CAT ) gene containing a GAL4 binding site as a cis-acting element at an upstream sequence , indicating RAP74 and RAP30 interact in vivo ( 20 ) .
12 These days , says Penny Mansfield , director of One Plus One , infidelity is still a serious upset , but it 's no longer seen automatically as a terminal twist in a relationship .
13 It was a large , first-floor apartment which had been furnished as a suitable setting for an up-and-coming superstar .
14 The usual system is for the client to say how much he will spend as a working budget during a certain period of time .
15 Arthur Exell , who worked at Morris Radiators , supplying components for Morris Motors at Cowley in the 1930s , has recorded his experiences as a working man in a new and expanding Morris Motors .
16 The British electorate , conscious of the lessons of pre-war appeasement policies , accepted the burden as a reasonable insurance against a Third World War .
17 While the girl sees the trip as a reasonable privilege for a fourteen-year-old , you recognize that she and a group of young teenagers are not ready to handle the responsibilities and possible risks involved .
18 Presumably men of modest means would scarcely have qualified , but only 502 were worth £20 and upwards , and 406 had £40 or more , a figure that might be regarded as a reasonable minimum for a substantial businessman .
19 Di Gesu , a native of Sicily , arrived in Brooklyn , New York , at the age of seven and began his career as a 14-year-old assistant to a theatrical photographer .
20 However , rather than seeing Jill Duffy and others like her as ‘ pathologically obsessed ’ with housework ( and thus as unrepresentative of the wider housewife population ) it makes more sense to view their behaviour as a rational response to a problematic situation .
21 The deep-seated feeling that man 's nature is essentially structured to survive nomadically and that he needs to be on the move in some way if he is to be satisfied , is complemented by the mystics ' witness that true human fulfilment is the concomitant of what is experienced as a spiritual journey to a goal beyond time that is occasionally anticipated and known in time , the element within which our curiously mixed physical and spiritual natures cohere and mature .
22 Although it was quite usual for sons to follow fathers into the printing trade , the presence of so many sisters suggests that composing was quickly recognized as a good opening for a girl .
23 Linguists may be found working in a range of national and international organizations where foreign language skills and knowledge of other cultures are seen as a good foundation for a career .
24 Amateur experimental breeding of Cleaner Shrimps has already been mentioned as a good example of a mobile invertebrate which could be chosen .
25 A former Chief National Insurance Commissioner has described the procedure on appeal as a good example of a procedure which is informal and yet under which an appellant 's case is considered fully and fairly .
26 His point was that films were a director 's medium and he quoted A Hard Day 's Night as a good example of a director working with non-actors .
27 The Intel 80860 he described as a good implementation of a poorly thought-out microprocessor architecture .
28 But their strength as vehicles for practice or as a first amp for a budding shredder would be difficult to challenge .
29 I was there forty years , right , I 've seen every accident on that bend , I 've had my house as a first aid post a dozen times , until we did something in this committee to sort that corner out
30 If you have been unemployed for a while seek retraining as a first step to a new , positive attitude .
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