Example sentences of "as if it [vb past] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Her hair , which looked as if it had been inexpertly permed , was pulled back at the sides but frizzed over the high forehead in the poodle-like fashion of an Edwardian .
2 The large teapots were filled from the boiling urns , and , thanks to the microwaves , the food tasted as if it had been freshly made .
3 In a clipped French sentence that sounded as if it had been well rehearsed , she told Agathe that she may have lost the produce of her labour but she had not lost the fruit of her labours .
4 A hasty glance took in the gorgeous antique furniture crammed in as if it had been recently off-loaded by a dealer , the small , pristine cooker and the sink pushed against the soft ochre-washed wall as if it was an after-thought .
5 Tremulously she took his outstretched hand and it closed around hers as if it had been there forever .
6 There was a series of blank pages , as if it had been too painful to write , before she went on :
7 Remembered it VIVIDLY — as if it had been yesterday .
8 The furniture , too , looked as if it had been gradually acquired over the years ; gifts , rejects , the unregarded remnants of long-forgotten jumble sales .
9 It was almost as if it had been surgically removed along with his appendix when he was a kid .
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