Example sentences of "as a part [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A region is mediated in our everyday life in the form of various symbols , which are the same for all individuals in the one region , though the meanings associated with them will always be construed personally on the basis of the individual 's life situation and biography … though the regions of a society obtain their ultimate personal meanings in the practices of everyday life , these meanings can not be totally reduced to experiences that constitute everyday life , since a region bears with it institutionally mediated practices and relations , the most significant being the history of the region as a part of the spatial structure of the society in question .
2 As a part of the Civil Justice Review , the Inbucon Study examined the question of costs and the relationship between costs and damages .
3 If we let indicate that part of the surplus-value which serves for the personal consumption of the capitalists , and that which is turned into capital , thus , it we make and correspondingly , if we further let indicate that part of the surplus-value which is accumulated as a part of the constant capital , and that part of the surplus-value which is to be accumulated as a part of the variable capital , and thus posit and correspondingly thus the general formula for the product of both departments takes on the following form :
4 But certainly , equal opportunities as as a part of the integral working of N C V O and we do regularly review , how we , as an organisation , are meeting our equal opportunities requirements across the board , that 's race , sex , disability , er , in involving the the staff who are at lower levels and so on .
5 This presented the Communists as a part of the federal Labour movement , and made it necessary for sections of the Labour Party to give serious consideration to Communist aims and activities .
6 This essay will take up the theme of dominant ideologies and local communities as a part of the wider methodological problem of how we , as anthropologists , consider the nature of the relationship between the communities we study and the wider world they inhabit .
7 The chapter/section idea(s) : these will be much more concrete , are usually expressed in the first and/or last paragraphs and should be seen as a part of the wider themes/theses of the book .
8 However in the Nayar case it is clear that the matrilineal organization of the Nayar taravad only makes sense when it is viewed as a part of the larger society which included the patrilineal organization of the Nambudiri and the military organization of the pre-British South Indian principalities .
9 Elsewhere , decentralization was seen less as a clean break , more as a part of the natural cycle of urban growth and change ( Hall 1981 ) .
10 Now , with Government aid as a part of the national British Shipbuilders , modern equipment has been installed but there is less work due to foreign competition .
11 If we let indicate that part of the surplus-value which serves for the personal consumption of the capitalists , and that which is turned into capital , thus , it we make and correspondingly , if we further let indicate that part of the surplus-value which is accumulated as a part of the constant capital , and that part of the surplus-value which is to be accumulated as a part of the variable capital , and thus posit and correspondingly thus the general formula for the product of both departments takes on the following form :
12 In that case , the application developer should use tools that are provided as a part of the programmable gateway to write a program to access the data in the robot controller .
13 Both of these points of contention were symptomatic of the fundamental issue at stake for Washington , which was that it had lost control of events in Cuba and a client state which had been regarded virtually as a part of the American mainland had moved out of the US orbit .
14 Some learning , some development of skills , may be present , especially among higher animals , but the basic and intrinsic format is always present , instinctively , as a part of the basic mind structure or instinct of the creature .
15 Speedsailing is now firmly established as a part of the competitive scene , with events all over the world including the famous course in England at Weymouth .
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