Example sentences of "as a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Some of the works were presented in 1971 as a sign of solidarity with Allende 's government , the rest were donated after the coup d'état .
2 Did your husband , or did he not , complain that the houseboat Grace , apart from being damp , needed extensive repairs , and that it was difficult if not impossible for you to resume any meaningful sexual relationship when your cabin acted as a kind of passageway with your daughters constantly going to and fro to gain access to the hatch , and a succession of persons , including the milkman , trampling overhead ?
3 The relationships that created a particular kind of community were real enough , but Warming resisted the temptation to regard the community as a kind of super-organism with a life of its own .
4 The language of the marketing echoes exactly that of any supermarket brand-name : ‘ our readers perceive us as a brand of books with a special flavour and image ’ .
5 As a mark of friendship with his second son , the Duke of York ( later George Vl ) , King George V granted Diana 's grandfather , Maurice Fermoy , the 4th Baron , the lease of Park House , a spacious property originally built to accommodate the overflow of guests and staff from nearby Sandringham House .
6 She is now working as a coach in California with her two children and second husband .
7 Japan would " monitor its exports to the EC as a whole in accordance with a forecast level of exports in 1999 of 1,230,000 [ cars ] , based on the assumption of demand in the EC of 15,100,000 " in that year .
8 Policy advocates are concerned with running the city as a whole in line with policy preferences expressed , for example , in a party manifesto .
9 However , this therapeutic range , obtained in studies conducted in patients with asthma , should not be used as a reference in patients with chronic obstructive airways disease , in which the use of theophylline has been a subject of controversy .
10 It may be during your first week at work when a colleague asks you to join him or her in a group activity , such as a drink after work with friends .
11 In these fields Edinburgh has established itself as a centre of excellence with an international reputation .
12 If Britain could be described in any useful way as a society at ease with itself twenty years ago , then that was certainly not how it felt at the time .
13 Mea culpa , mea culpa , said Preston to himself , as he had said aloud as a child at Mass with neither thought nor understanding then , mea maxima culpa .
14 Whereas Sutherland describes the Augustan poet as a man at dinner with his friends , Sitter leaves the impression of the mid-century poet alone in his rooms gnawing a joint .
15 So our belief is that erm with the relationship we 've been able to build up in this city , with confrontation and community participation , with the targeting of the small resources that we do have , as a council in collaboration with the other , the resources of the other bodies , that we can in fact do something .
16 ( b ) to be able to appreciate the interlinking of everything and the force of cumulative evidence , and that what is done and learnt in school can not be divorced from what happens outside ; ( c ) to appreciate that religion challenges head-on any view that regards knowledge as something only arrived at by reasoning and scientific experimentation ; ( d ) to be concerned about conviction for or against religion , but to be open to evidence and to experience — not to have the answers all neatly sewn up , but to see life as a journey of exploration with exciting prospects and a sense of fulfilment in actually moving forward and , if necessary , changing in order to accommodate fresh insight .
17 She had received a sound enough education to act as a governess to children with parents overseas and , later , as a secretary-companion to American ladies .
18 When using the daisy as a border in conjunction with the edging , ensure that the centre of the daisy coincides with the centre of either the upward arc of the yellow section or the downward curve of the white section or alternatively one then the other ( as in the sample ) .
19 For interferon has been dangled as a bait before investors with more money than scientific sense .
20 It happened to me as a player at Everton with Gordon Lee 15 years ago .
21 Broadening the field of feminist film criticism to include theory , Johnston and Cook sought to understand film as a process of signification with its own ‘ relatively autonomous ’ ways and means of constructing meanings .
22 The sea served Armstrong as a background to adventures with a more mature approach to character and circumstance , in books like Island Odyssey , a tale set in Crete in 1941 , The Mutineers , in which a setting resembling Easter Island backs up a narrative strongly resembling Lord of the Flies , and The Albatross , a striking version of Chaucer 's Pardoner 's Tale which I shall return to .
23 Fascism similarly may be considered as a form of state with , historically , various types of regime such as National Socialism , and as related to capitalism in crisis .
24 From what I could see Fairclough played as a form of sweeper with a man-to-man job in Wegerle .
25 The changed emphasis noted at Cartagena was described by Le Monde of Feb. 28 as a victory for USA with the support of Latin American countries , as exemplified by the absence from the final statement of any specific proposals on debt relief and the emphasis on the market economy .
26 And , indeed , this must be done , not as a matter of sympathy with Ireland , but as a demand made in the interest of the English proletariat .
27 In their May 29 communiqué , ministers said that " we have agreed that a study of NATO command structures should be pursued as a matter of urgency with the aim of streamlining and adapting it to the new situation " .
28 Survival analysis showed similar improvements in otoscopic clearance and tympanometric change as a result of treatment with a ventilation tube alone or after adenoidectomy alone compared with no surgery .
29 On Dec. 11 , 1990 , Major announced the allocation of a further £42,000,000 to haemophiliacs who had been infected with the AIDS virus as a result of treatment with contaminated blood products .
30 But , as with those who emphasize the tutoring role of the adult input in initial language learning , both these authors emphasize the influence of the environment on the repertoire of linguistic resources that the child masters as a result of interaction with members of the family circle .
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