Example sentences of "as a [noun] of keep the " in BNC.

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1 Dead kittens are often devoured by their parents seemingly as a way of keeping the nest clean .
2 Most either thought it did n't matter as long as they got relief for their tension and frustration and saw it as a way of keeping the peace , but some were trying through women 's groups or assertion therapy to express themselves more honestly .
3 From the opening of the Convention a number of MPs were determined to restrict the Crown 's revenue as a way of keeping the monarchy more dependent upon Parliament , and the fact that the revenue eventually settled on the Crown in 1690 was deliberately kept well short of anticipated peace-time expenditure has led one historian to conclude that the financial settlement " created a new type of monarchy " .
4 Formerly considered the bane of tropical forests , perhaps in part as a way of keeping the ‘ peasant ’ economy distinct from the ( colonial ) plantation one , despite the fact that such was freely integrated in the system of exporting natural products , e.g. most of Indonesia 's pepper , coffee , coconuts , tobacco and rubber is grown thus , it is now praised , possibly too much so , as a result of the increasing romanticization of forest living , for shifting cultivation is changing .
5 The so-called ’ swan-upping ’ ceremony dates back to the fourteenth century … but nowadays its as much a fun day out as a way of keeping the swans healthy .
6 The Royal Africa Company had to provide slaves for English colonists as a condition of keeping the charter which gave it the monopoly of the trade , and the colonists added to the injury of leaving their debts unpaid the insult of complaining that too few slaves were being delivered .
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