Example sentences of "as a [noun] [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is a shambles , which has resulted in local government being undermined and the role of the local community being seen as a threat rather than as a partner trying to rebuild broken economies , help the unemployed and do something about essential services .
2 The point of headroom is that those above should act as a support rather than as a control .
3 There the station was perfectly proportioned and almost impossible to identify as a station rather than as a church , both externally and internally .
4 The report of the Review Body on Civil Justice said the Council ‘ should enable the judiciary to plan for the allocation of High Court caseloads and judge power in the light of needs and resources of that court as a whole rather than of individual Divisions .
5 I shall start by considering in section 4.3 some variables which are characteristic of Belfast English , but which seem to function at a somewhat higher level of generality than those that we have mentioned so far — as identity markers for the community as a whole rather than for internal differentiation within it .
6 Firstly , they bind a piece of writing together as a single entity , giving it a connectedness that makes it read as a whole rather than as a string of separate jottings .
7 It explains why judges must conceive the body of law they administer as a whole rather than as a set of discrete decisions that they are free to make or amend one by one , with nothing but a strategic interest in the rest .
8 At the national level the concern is with the education system as a whole rather than with individual schools .
9 In this , the role of delaying syntax is to postpone the interpretation of one structure until another has been taken in , so that they ultimately make sense as a whole rather than in sequence .
10 We can see him or her as a person rather than as a stereotype .
11 At its surface , water could exist as a liquid rather than as a gas , and so oceans and seas came into existence .
12 Efforts to create bilingualism by means of bilingual schooling — as , for example , in the immersion programme in Canada — are likely to be more successful than conventional language teaching as a subject because the language is treated in school as a medium rather than as a subject .
13 In order to appreciate the factors which motivate a writer or speaker to make this kind of selection , one needs to think of the clause as a message rather than as a string of grammatical and lexical elements .
14 as a diagram rather than as a tree .
15 However , what is most interesting is that a deliberate attempt was made to sell it as a concept rather than as what might have hitherto been seen as a package of infrastructural measures .
16 He practised architecture as a pastime rather than as a full-time profession .
17 If he then writes a monograph about a " tribe " or a " people " or a " social system " and he wants to be recognized as a scientist rather than as an artist , he is under pressure to persuade himself ( and his readers ) that the events which he saw happening before his eyes were " typical " of what might be going on elsewhere in the system .
18 What pity she had possessed for others had been diffuse and impersonal , for women as a mass rather than for individual women such as poor , defeated Poll whom she saw daily , the marks of Jem 's fists on her face .
19 Walter Kauzmann , in a perceptive preface to his book on quantum mechanics , argues that chemical quantum mechanics should be regarded as a language rather than as a tool .
20 Deductive markers provide a linguistic means of signalling the deductive/empirical distinction : they signal that what follows should be interpreted as a conclusion rather than as a description of an event/state .
21 The deferential tone , and the fact that it 's couched as a letter rather than as a minute , suggest that it was directed to someone outside the Civil Service .
22 In these areas 20 per cent of the farms sampled indulged in farm tourism , but most farmers saw it as a supplement rather than as an alternative to farm income , although Davies argued that it could be a much more profitable use of the farms ' resources .
23 Already he was wondering if his fame meant that his writing had only a contemporary appeal and he complained that people now thought of him as a celebrity rather than as a poet .
24 Korpi and Shalev ( 1979 ) insist that the development and pattern of collective bargaining in this country must be seen largely as a consequence rather than as the cause of changes in trade union density .
25 There was a greater emphasis on masturbation as a symptom rather than as a cause .
26 Our leader , according to this approach , will allow others to develop , to act as an enabler rather than as a director of subordinates .
27 It is perhaps worth mentioning the importance of the sale agreement stating that the independent accountant will act as an expert rather than as an arbitrator .
28 But putting up more candidates increases the danger that each of them will contend as an individual rather than as a member of a team : it makes the campaign harder to co-ordinate .
29 But the petty snobbery and priggishness of which it is sometimes accused are in my view much less serious ( and in any case demonstrably declining ) than are two tendencies : the first , to make the curriculum and the public examination system a closed circuit ; the second , to be increasingly concerned with training — in other words , to think of its pupil-product more and more as an instrument rather than as an end .
30 A lifetime of being treated as an object rather than as a human being must be very debilitating . ’
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