Example sentences of "can [not/n't] [be] [vb pp] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 An entry can not be made by an instrument used to make an entry such as a key or piece of wire used to pull back internal bolts .
2 It is particularly suitable for displaying very low frequency trends ( such as a battery discharge ) which can not be displayed on an oscilloscope due to the limitations of a CRT .
3 The importance of the relationship can not be demonstrated without an analysis of the accounts of the firm .
4 The reason for this fall is the fact that romantic love can not be sustained without an underlying friendship .
5 The Kingdom is not and can not be relegated to an appendix which follows the turning of the last page of world history .
6 It is now quite clear that the complexities of white racism ( which is the focus here ) can not be grasped without an exploration of the anxieties and ambivalences generated particularly by white male , but also female , sexual anxieties and desires .
7 If the unconscious means anything whatsoever , it is that the relation of self and others , inner and outer , can not be grasped as an interval between Polar and opposites but rather as an irreducible dislocation of the subject in which the other inhabits the self as its condition of possibility .
8 I would advise such readers not to lose heart : there is nothing in this book which can not be grasped by an 11-year-old who employs a little application : I know , because I 've tested it on an 11-year-old .
9 One has to call Piaget a ‘ thinker ’ because he can not be categorized as an educationist or a psychologist .
10 Monetary policy can not be given to an ‘ independent ’ bank because it makes no sense to talk of monetary policy as independent of economic policy .
11 In particular , contingent entities can not be individuated in an absolute sense by any kind of descriptive phrase .
12 That can not be done on an on-off basis .
13 Such an alternative formulation can not be achieved without an examination of the various concrete practices of people doing jobs .
14 Initially , then , on being approached to promote an order , it is the task of the agent to confirm that the order is in fact viable , that is to say , that the objects of the order can not be achieved without an order confirmed by parliament — that it can not be done by other means .
15 However , where such a term is used simply to define the consequences of breach of an express term in the contract it can not be regarded as an exclusion clause .
16 ‘ Surely this can not be justified as an effective use of civil servants ' time or public money . ’
17 A society in which this right is systematically denied … can not be justified from an ethical point of view … ’
18 This design can not be dismissed as an automatic and inevitable consequence of building cells closely together , for bumble bees also make waxen cells and theirs are irregular bag-shaped containers , jumbled untidily together .
19 If the accused is charged under one part of s.16(2) he can not be convicted of an offence under the other paragraph : Aston & Hadley [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 1584 ( CA ) .
20 If the matter really can not be resolved at an informal level , then it should be formally communicated in writing to the person in charge of the activity .
21 Patterns can be set to either remain fixed while shapes rotate over them or they can rotate with the shape , the two modes can not be mixed within an illustration .
22 When an old person becomes so demented that she or he can not be contained in an old people 's home the choice is between a private nursing home costing about £400 a week or a free bed in the NHS .
23 In such cases it is necessary to work in opposition to the constraints of the context , so that the work can not be read as an affirmation of questionable ideologies and political power .
24 The observation that CF patients could contaminate environmental surfaces with P cepacia in their sputum suggested that this can not be excluded as an indirect mode of spread of the epidemic strain within the Edinburgh fitness class .
25 Contrary to influential theories in primatology and ethology , hunting among the Chewong can not be described as an aggressive or violent activity ( see the Introduction , this volume , for discussion of problems in connection with the definition of these terms ) .
26 Surgical inexperience can not be considered as an explanationfor the high failure as rebleeding was noted in all three centres and in each centre the operations were carried either directly or under the close supervision of a highly experienced hepatobiliary surgeon .
27 However , in some instances , private law rights can not be protected by an AJR .
28 It is claimed that the Court of Appeal said that information that came within Goulding J's second category can not be protected by an express clause and that that is the wrong approach .
29 However the ECJ has ruled that equal treatment can not be established without an appropriate system of sanctions and that national courts are required to seek among the provisions of national law those which imply the most effective sanction , such a sanction being the one which guarantees real and effective judicial protection of the wronged worker and has a real deterrent effect on the employer .
30 This was Britain 's worst air tragedy , and whilst this can not be classified as an accident in the usual sense of the word , there were calls for greater airport security , and considerable concern over whether a warning that an attack would be made on an American airliner had not been passed onto the public because a drop in seat sales would occur .
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