Example sentences of "can [not/n't] [adv] [be] [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 First , he argued that it is highly artificial to construe all consumption as a response to needs ; while this approach may seem illuminating when it is applied to the consumption of individuals , it can not plausibly be extended to productive consumption , which has to be treated as ‘ the consumption which satisfies the needs of production ’ , if the theory is to be sustained .
2 The difficulties can not plausibly be attributed to the compilers , who would hardly have confined themselves almost exclusively to interfering with the text of Scaevola .
3 That conception , for all the problems it raises , can not reasonably be said to be of the same character .
4 Although the hammock episode is explicable in terms of his experience , the subsequent transition to drifting above the ground can not reasonably be related to his usual fate when falling out of the hammock ; these dreams , which are not uncommon , seem uniquely detached from any experience in real life .
5 Yet just because it is so general and common a process , finding its means and occasions and objects in such diverse ways , and again and again interpenetrating with many of the most practical or most ideological activities , it can not reasonably be abstracted to one exclusive set of practices or one exclusive intention or set of intentions .
6 This is precisely why a Latinate grammar can not simply be transferred to English .
7 What is at stake in this , and in the work of a number of other writers whom Neale acknowledged , is a sensitivity to generic difference as much as to repetition , and , in particular , to generic difference which can not simply be assigned to the magical agency of authorship .
8 In the development zone primary care arrangements can not simply be left to the normal mechanism of allowing general practitioners to decide , within limits , what services they will provide .
9 But particularly intriguing is the phenomenon of syncretisation itself , as an artistic process , and its relationship to meaning : the process whereby something new is created that can not simply be reduced to either side of two antagonistic forces , or returned to a former ‘ purity ’ .
10 Since these ‘ facts ’ belong to the group as a whole and since the latter is more than the sum of its parts , they have a transcendent reality of their own and can not simply be reduced to the individuals in whose conduct they manifest themselves .
11 It is to fail in other words , to understand that literature can not simply be reduced to ideology , that literature has its own specificity , and that it consequently " reflects " the social process in a highly complex and mediated form .
12 In Saunders 's view , the ‘ local state ’ can not simply be reduced to a functioning part of a national capitalist state , for within certain constraints ‘ non-capitalist interests can win at the local level in a way that is becoming increasingly difficult at national level ’ ( pp. 4 , 11 ) .
13 Railway travelling can not yet be opened to the general public .
14 But these can not yet be attributed to the activities of an individual mosaicist — although they might well indicate the predilictions of an influential client or close- knit group of clients — and are still most significant when viewed over considerable periods of time .
15 However , these classifications can not successfully be extrapolated to gastrointestinal lymphomas as MALT lymphocytes and their derived lymphomas seem to have a physiology that differs from their nodal counterparts .
16 This is done in Appendix C , but to anticipate briefly , the reasons depend in essence on two facts : ( a ) Whenever a property is qualified it remains a property , so that e.g. ( P P ) P reduces to P P ; ( b ) The property of an adjective can not normally be applied to another property-word but only to an E. Thus while ( P E ) P reduces from a purely structural point of view to P P , it needs to be treated as a distinct pattern when the final P is an adjective , since , unless the E can be taken into account , the structure will be literally incoherent .
17 High status contacts can not normally be attracted to small exhibitions — they may wish to speak to top management or require personal invitation plus entertainment .
18 Secondly , an individual post-hole can not easily be assigned to any particular building phase , since any datable artefact found within it could either pre-date or post-date the structure for which the hole was dug .
19 But language , because of its complexity and its technicalities can not easily be revealed to a wide audience .
20 The term acquisition is more frequently associated with the child 's mastery of higher-order understanding which can not easily be reduced to the additive effect of different learning experiences .
21 The advance of this critical period , however , can not easily be linked to the idea of a body clock which tends to run fast and so produce daily rhythms which are timed too early because , when daily rhythms have been investigated in these patients , it appears that daily rhythms are irregular , rather than altered in a particular direction .
22 Translating the metaphor back to electronic information , low band width means that the substantial volumes of data needed to represent image information can not easily be delivered to the remote terminals .
23 The reasoning in the lawyer/client cases can not automatically be transferred to the financial services area because of the particular nature of the lawyer/client relationship including the fact that in order to prove a breach of confidence a client might be forced to forfeit the lawyer/client privilege , and that the very restrictive Law Society rules provide for only a very limited role for the Chinese wall where law firms amalgamate and the clients consent .
24 Whether this is the case or not , even the more special crimes such as this one can not automatically be assumed to be outside the scope of the postclassical perspective .
25 Similarly , the obligations of one counterparty under the contract can not generally be transferred to a third party .
26 In the first place , alterations in one 's attitudinal stance can not just be related to the internal affective state of the attitude-holder , but should be understood in terms of the rhetorical context of controversy .
27 What we need , however , is not to stretch consent out of recognition but to examine whether the reasons that validate consent in general and consent to authority in particular can not also be applied to some cases not involving consent .
28 These ‘ id-impulses ’ may be either for ‘ perverse ’ sexual acts which sometimes can not even be admitted to consciousness as acts which the person desires , or they may be impulses of sadism and destructiveness .
29 Similarly the extra health care needs of homeless people which have been documented in parts of London reflect local conditions and can not validly be applied to all areas .
30 But I have often asked myself what it is that drew me to Sibelius 's music and I think it is that he is a composer who can not really be compared to anyone else .
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