Example sentences of "can [be] [vb pp] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We consider that where a benefit is received which is covered by the rules for registration , it does not become exempt from registration simply because , when offset against associated costs or inconvenience , it can be represented as a net disbenefit to the recipient . ’
2 The fraction can be represented as a signed number by any of the methods discussed in the previous section .
3 There are self-evidently interests other than those of social concern in the spatial revitalisation of urban economic activity and there is no need to descend into a dogmatic public v. private sector debate on the efficiency of urban renewal to suggest that these interests stand to benefit when state intervention , so discredited in the early Thatcher years as creeping socialism , can be represented as a free market solution to urban crisis .
4 That way she can keep her puritanical role as keeper of the rules , and I can be represented as a rude anarchist .
5 These resemble the well-known problems of international macroeconomic policy-making , and can be analysed as a strategic game between national policy-makers .
6 Certainly where the manufacturer prints advice as to shelf life on the product , this can be analysed as an express term incorporating durability .
7 The panel hopes now that this statement of faith can be seen as a useful and fairly accessible indicator to outsiders as to what the faith is all about , and at the same time as a ring of words which at least the majority of us within the church can happily affirm .
8 At this stage the fry are totally helpless and they can be seen as a solid mass , quivering like a lump of jelly , and difficult to distinguish as fish at all .
9 The Munn Report claimed that these positions could be reconciled , but Skilbeck says of the three educational ideologies : ‘ each is a powerful force in contemporary educational thought and practice … each can be seen as a comprehensive and well-articulated position ’ .
10 This drop in income can be seen as a private contribution to the cost of care by the family itself .
11 In this sense , the definition of standards and routines can be seen as a defensive process : the housewife is defending herself against the allegation that she does nothing at all .
12 Some commentators have questioned , though , whether kibbutzim can be seen as a serious attempt to produce an egalitarian society .
13 Straightening of water courses , together with mill and fishpond construction , may be an explanation , and occasionally the old course can be seen as a dry riverbed in the fields with the boundary still following it .
14 They can be seen as a roaring success , a qualified success , or an expensive diversion .
15 The piano action in the vis-á-vis instrument can be seen as a half-way stage in the transformation from Johann Heinrich Silbermann 's English action to Stein 's German escapement action ( compare illus.13,14 ) .
16 If the use of political anti-semitism can be seen as a crucial stage in the decline of the BUF from a national movement to a localized racial populist organization , then its attempt to resurrect its political pretensions in the Peace Campaign of 1938 — 40 merely hastened its inevitable total destruction .
17 If this form of ‘ transition ’ becomes simply a retrograde return to passivity , it can be seen as a complete negation of all that the college course sought to encourage :
18 But it very soon became clear that any mention of a maximum was unnecessary and , with hindsight , it can be seen as a future source of embarrassment .
19 Yet though the African Social Studies Programme suffers from close comparison with its two elder brothers it has nevertheless already influenced practice and served as a forum for international exchange of ideas and can be seen as a contributory factor in the widespread change of emphasis towards study of man in his environment .
20 This last procedure , ‘ the exploitation of formal resemblance to establish connections of meaning ’ , Culler characterizes as ‘ the basic activity of literature ’ ( 1988:4 ) , and it is in this sense that the pun can be seen as a cognitive model which accounts for the ‘ literariness ’ of even the most rigorous forms of language use .
21 However , if success can be measured by the number of governments in all parts of the world now privatising their state-owned assets , then privatisation can be seen as a great success .
22 Nonetheless , although for many people the rise in car ownership can be seen as a great success , for a significant minority either unable to drive or unable to afford a car , notably the old , the young , the unemployed , the housewife ( left at home without a car ) and the disabled the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in rural public transport , a concentration of services into ever more remote central places with increased journey lengths as shown in Table 6.1a , and a real sense of isolation and deprivation .
23 No insects and no fish have so far been found to use sonar , but two quite different groups of fish , one in South America and one in Africa , have developed a somewhat similar navigation system , which appears to be just about as sophisticated and which can be seen as a related , but different , solution to the same problem .
24 From the perspective outlined in the preceding chapter , language teaching can be seen as a principled problem-solving activity : a kind of operational research which works out solutions to its own local problems .
25 The generation of 1898 redressed in literature the balance that had been upset in the economic development of Spain : with some exaggeration the rediscovery of the desolate attractions of Castile by poets and essayists , many of whom came from peripheral regions , can be seen as a repentant gesture to the centre , devastated for the greater glory of Spain .
26 A still closer view shows us the detail of the cascade , and the passing traffic can be seen as a shivery reflection in the water of the trough .
27 De-hospitalization can be seen as a natural consequence of the decline in numbers of old long-stay patients .
28 A high specification of housework rules can be seen as a common response to a common problem — the problem being how to make sense of work that is intrinsically unsatisfying under conditions where less and less of it need be done ( through automation , ‘ convenience ’ foods , better housing conditions , etc ) , but where the structural pressures which assign women to the home remain as strong as ever .
29 In this way research can be seen as a continuing dialectical process : actuality is formulated as an abstraction which in turn leads to a reformulation of actuality .
30 Preactive management can be seen as a positive response to changed circumstances with plans and objectives in mind , that is it is facilitated by the directional planning approach .
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