Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [conj] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Economic and social factors now loom large , and can be seen as being of greater importance than purely land use matters , though the courts would not necessarily accept such a line of reasoning ( as , for instance , when Lord Widgery held that the London Borough of Hillingdon could not impose a condition that the occupants of a private housing development should be people on the council 's waiting list ) .
2 The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast can be seen as being in the process of fulfilment .
3 There are many other examples where , readers may assume that much more can be done than is in fact the case .
4 According to this reading , the repetition of episodes and the lack of a linear structure can be regarded as being in keeping with the formal realism of a narrative which is being conducted by someone whose overwrought state of mind colours his perception of the world around him , and who is no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality .
5 This can be construed as being in accord with the important premise of this book that life is to be enjoyed .
6 In general , then , we need to try to explain the earliest arrangement of the basic administrative land units in our study area and see if it can be identified as being of pre-Roman , Roman , or later date .
7 Given the problems explained above , it may be difficult , and in some cases counter-productive to attempt any correction of errors within our system , however initial investigations suggest there may be particular situations where correction can be attempted and is in fact useful to improve recognition rates .
8 In a legend so old , discrepancies in dates can be expected and are of secondary importance .
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