Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It means that at some point in a viewing activity the learner can be asked to focus on the visual channel only .
2 To identify people by name can be seen to detract from the objectivity of the report .
3 This relatively explicit form can be seen to modulate into the process of association of particular works with particular powerful names : the patron , in effect , as dedicatee .
4 Again the notebooks can be seen moving in the right direction with ‘ Svidrigailov : I 'm happy to go to America at once , but somehow nobody really wants to . ’
5 Now they can be seen strolling around the city alongside their mahouts or drivers , or earning their living as tourist attractions , tethered to hotel lawns and bars .
6 In vertebrates , shortly after gastrulation , the brain can be seen forming at the anterior end of the embryo .
7 In fact there is a direct continuation inland for several miles of the algal mat that can be seen forming on the beach at the present day .
8 During the summer , when Sirius rises heliacally , only twelve of these divisions of the sky can be seen rising during the hours of darkness , and it was this that led to the twelve-hour division of the night .
9 Especially notable is the approach view from the road bridge , where the vast pile can be seen rising from the banks of the great river .
10 Of the twelve initiatives announced in the 1988 statement , eight can be seen to lie within the general sphere of development .
11 The family coat of arms can be seen carved at the main doorway of the house and in the Church .
12 The emblem of the Parlers , a runic square , can be seen carved in the base .
13 Even when hunched on the top step , no chink can be seen leaking around the doorframe , because it is perfectly insulated with foam plastic strip .
14 Twenty four hours after spawning , the eggs will hatch , and the minute fry can be seen wriggling on the bottom of the tank under the spawning mops .
15 These can be seen dotted about the vineyards , either lit manually by the vigneron when the temperature drops to freezing setting off noisy alarms in the middle of the night , or fed by an automatic system which fires the burners by thermostatic control .
16 The china souvenirs can be seen displayed in the background .
17 Nationalist aspirations can be seen reflected in the renaming of the Dublin terminals after Irish revolutionary heroes ( Connolly , Pearse , Heuston ) .
18 Some of these opinions can be seen reflected in the behaviour of skins , but the parallel should not be taken too far .
19 The nits , also brown in colour , can be seen attached to the pubic hair , and examination with a magnifying glass will distinguish those containing a developing larva , which takes a week before it leaves the egg , from those which have already been vacated .
20 The second half of this can be seen to coincide with the opinion of Chatterton which is expressed by Ackroyd 's Wilde : ‘ a strange , slight boy who was so prodigal of his genius that he attached the names of others to it . ’
21 This can be seen to coincide with the characteristics of an ‘ ideal ’ old age outlined by Erikson ( 1965 ) ( see page 40–42 ) , concerned with identity and generativity .
22 Chemistry was regarded as a subject which was not fundamental ; the issues it examines are not fundamental to the universe in the way that the issues of physics are ; in this the views of the students can be seen to coincide with the views of Dr L , who said that ‘ all of chemistry is becoming explicable in terms of quantum theory ’ .
23 A figure can be seen silhouetted on the shaded section of the ridge , between the first and second pinnacles and right of an obvious cornice .
24 By the time we have adequate records , the craft guild can be seen emerging from the lodge of craftsmen working together on a project .
25 It is true that the present nature of the threat can be seen to come from the left .
26 This solution can be seen to reduce to the Khan-Penrose solution ( 3.9 ) when .
27 When a big shoal is feeding dozens of bream can be seen rolling at the same time , all facing the same way .
28 They can be seen running along the skyline before rounding the cairn and beginning the precipitous descent .
29 Now his lifesize copies of himself can be seen clambering over the school buildings .
30 Tepilit and his brother can be seen arguing with the others .
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