Example sentences of "can [not/n't] be [vb pp] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 An identity and a history can not be obliterated with a switch of a name or the stroke of a pen .
2 But if an alliance can not be made with the parents against what feels uncontrollably bad inside them , they may defect and identify with the ‘ bad ’ .
3 Being-for-itself must be wholly body and it must be wholly consciousness ; it can not be united with a body .
4 Similarly the effectiveness of export-led growth in the British case can not be squared with the continued rise of import penetration and the level of domestic demand which this represented .
5 It is unquestionable that tramps or beggars can not be charged with the political confidence of nations .
6 We all know , as dreamers , that dreams are genuine experiences , even if they can not be recorded with a camera or a tape-recorder .
7 The neurotic can not be compared with a magician , for example , in a traditional society , for the latter learns his role from the culture into which he is born .
8 It can not be compared with the ‘ big six ’ national brewers ( Allied , Bass , Courage , Watneys , Whitbread , and Scottish and Newcastle ) , and it is significantly smaller than the main ‘ regional ’ brewers ( i.e. Greenall Whitley and Boddingtons ) , but it nevertheless retains a market niche as a regional brewery specializing in distinctive , good quality beers .
9 Our outcome data can not be compared with the existing published works because previous reports on chronic constipation with and without faecal soiling often combined younger and older children or children with idiopathic constipation and anorectal disorders , or both .
10 Tillich holds that symbols in themselves can not be equated with the Ultimate nor can they be regarded as fully expressing the Ultimate .
11 But grammar can not be equated with the devices used to exemplify its formal properties .
12 However , the intelligentsia can not be equated with the ruling stratum in communist societies .
13 All new Carita balls have rubber valves ( also available from the Office ) these can not be interchanged with the brass ones .
14 These eggs are so small they can not be seen with the naked eye .
15 Although royal icing should be firm , it should not be so hard that it can not be cut with a knife .
16 Although the laryngeal mask does not protect the airway against gastric contents , it has potential for use in resuscitation and emergency medicine when intubation is impossible and a patent airway can not be maintained with a face mask .
17 A spiritual discipline should not make a practitioner lose control , become vague , dreamy and inept in his daily life : eccentric or uncontrolled behaviour is a sign that the mystical experience can not be integrated with the mundane .
18 Obviously , this can not be done with a conventional typewriter .
19 The balance key must be used to maintain accuracy and if at any time this can not be done with the key , the matter should be reported immediately to your superior .
20 Sometimes , court action is the only alternative if agreement can not be reached with the parent .
21 An enhanced generation of either omega-3 or omega-6 derived prostaglandins possessing cytoprotective properties could account for the protection against acid-induced duodenal lesions in rats fed the polyunsaturated fatty acid diets , though this can not be confirmed with the present data .
22 Fertiliser can not be mixed with the seed and mulch .
23 Strong , rigid aluminium faces on the inside and outside provide outstanding security , and unlike plastic panels , the new designs can not be melted with a blowtorch or removed by would-be intruders .
24 The most obvious type of ‘ treating in parallel ’ is coordination : in general , a non-constituent can not be coordinated with a constituent without oddness :
25 ‘ Because many of the plant components are contaminated with radiation , the structures simply can not be demolished with a wrecking ball , ’ said Shea .
26 Since the schemes in question paid the male rate for the job , they can not be tarred with the brush of cheap labour .
27 These relations can not be deleted once made and version ranges can not be reduced with the one exception that the ‘ next approved ’ version A can be replaced with L .
28 These relations can not be deleted once made and version ranges can not be reduced with the one exception that the ‘ next approved ’ version A can be replaced with L .
29 However , to the extent that standards differ , either goods can not be exported with a consequent loss of competition between countries , or if they are exported they have to be adapted to the rules of each national market .
30 These mops can not be used with an ordinary mop bucket because of their shape and are employed with hand or foot operated roller compression buckets or geared press wringers which are bucket mounted .
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