Example sentences of "can [not/n't] be [vb pp] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will further be argued that initial teacher training can not be treated as separate from other areas of teacher education and that changes in any one sector will inevitably influence all teacher education provision , initial , probation support and in-service and that in the light of this interdependence , strategies should be established for a coordinated response across the spectrum of teacher education provision .
2 Any representatives received can not be treated as confidential in view of the provisions of the Local Government ( Access to Information ) Act 1985 , which makes available such documents for public inspection .
3 Clearly pupils can not be treated as identical , assumed to be already equal , as though racism and sexism did not exist .
4 In these cases classical theory can not be applied and large-strain elasticity theory is used .
5 The requirement of accountability can not be met unless those who are responsible to the electorate for taking decisions are capable of answering for those decisions .
6 However , it can not be denied that incompetent side-slipping and sideslipping close to the ground can cause accidents .
7 Notwithstanding the unbridled optimism of many such visions , it can not be denied that one source of the modern idea of progress was this millenarian theology of puritan reformers anxious to transform the world in readiness for Christ 's second
8 I would not relish a low-level left-engine-out go-around since the undercarriage can not be raised and single-engine gear-down climb would be earth-tangential .
9 Furthermore it can not be assumed that all RDS information will be received accurately at all times .
10 Besides , the causes of some 60% of birth defects have yet to be discovered : it can not be assumed that all of them travel down only the female line .
11 However , it can not be assumed that all managers will consider the role of personality when they make decisions .
12 But it can not be assumed that these developments have in fact led to equality within the sexual sphere of marriage .
13 Most important , given that a rogue GMO in the environment might continue to reproduce and spread , it can not be assumed that any system of regulation can adequately guard against an environmental catastrophe .
14 While the benefits of faster growth may spread throughout the EC , it can not be assumed that this will occur in a balanced manner .
15 Since any comprehensive peace implies a reduction of influence by , and local dependency on , the superpowers , it can not be assumed that either superpower has a strong interest in a genuine peace , unless it is able to derive greater advantage from peace than it can from continued conflict .
16 A petition for divorce can not be presented until one year has elapsed since the marriage was formalised , whatever the circumstances may be .
17 Such discrepancies can not be viewed as accidental or simply self-chosen .
18 ‘ 1991s figures can not be viewed as satisfactory ’ said Sir Denys , ‘ but it was a solid performance … ’ .
19 Obviously all claims not requiring the appointment of Loss Adjusters can not be inspected but certain categories require closer investigation than others .
20 It can not be pretended that either scholar 's career is entirely typical of its period-Hocazade 's career is unusually chaotic even for the later fifteenth century , Civizade 's in many respects unusually " regular " even for the later sixteenth century-but the degree to which they are atypic is not sufficient to give a misleading impression .
21 Passing data between CHAINed programs can be a bit of a problem because COMMON variables can not be declared and all but the static variables are cleared by CHAIN .
22 In a sentence such as ( 30 ) , the event saw obviously can not be conceived as existing before the beginning of the crossing : ( 30 ) I saw him cross the street .
23 Since the letting can not be conceived as existing before the event permitted gets under way , to is not used with let , just as it is not used with see because seeing can not be conceived as taking place before the first moment of the event seen .
24 These figures can not be tolerated or justified , either in cost terms or in terms of the most efficient use of police resources .
25 Situated as it was in the corner of rural Essex , immediately adjacent to the sprawling East End of London , West Ham was subject to diverse influences ; in the final analysis , however , its growth can not be seen as integral to either of its neighbours .
26 The jury may in some cases put two and two together , but it seems to us that the effect of section 58 is such that the balance of fairness between prosecution and defence can not be maintained unless proper comment is permitted on the defendant 's silence in such circumstances .
27 Even if the buyer relies on the seller 's skill or judgment , the implied condition can not be invoked where this reliance is unreasonable .
28 Thus , site differences in these factors can not be invoked as obvious explanations for the site differences in mortality rates and survival distributions .
29 And it can not be said that that is the union 's business as of generally recognised right to decide , or to share in deciding , that application .
30 In summary , whether or not Fama and Jensen 's reasoning is right , it can not be said that more minuses in table 3.1 mean worse performance .
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