Example sentences of "can [vb infin] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , a basically sound plan provides a framework on which you can build and progress in the light of experience and changing conditions .
2 Comedy is radical , too , in the sense of forcing the reader to reconsider traditional reverences : tragedy can flatter and soothe with an assurance that even in the dungeon or on the scaffold the heroic mind is invulnerable .
3 It is only when we reach old age , whenever that is , that we can experience and reflect upon an almost entire life cycle .
4 Go and see what you can buy and sell in the islands around here . ’
5 During this time , anyone with a satellite dish can watch and listen to the candidates as they prepare for their interview .
6 The implicit assumption is that investors can borrow and lend at the riskless rate of interest .
7 Invite your partner to respond — and listen — so you can negotiate and agree on a solution .
8 ‘ A lot of them that works on commission just say there 's nothing they can do and call in the tow-truck . ’
9 Any small hope held out to her by circumstances , or by her lover , is as a wisp which she can spin and twist into a thread , and if she gathers enough of these her feelings tell her that she will be able to bind them into a strong rope .
10 When a woman 's voice is used freely and has power , it can sound and feel like a flow of light .
11 In other words , interactivity is really just another word for the ways in which a user can search and browse through an electronic database , the process being more or less constrained by the control software .
12 A Committee sponsored by the Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government to " look at problems arising out of the apparent failure … of government and industry to work together effectively " argued that " industrialists have been justified in recent years in criticising the government for failing to provide a stable economic framework within which they can plan and invest in the long-term " .
13 Whilst the home authority can plan and contract for the services it identifies as being required to meet the needs of its population , it is not clear who will decide which individuals will receive these services .
14 This Brazilian team can mark and tackle with a cool realism that their 1974 World Cup side never achieved in West Germany , when toughness became confused with thuggery .
15 Just as soon as the young ferrets can see and crawl around the nest is the time to make a start .
16 After Easter the Society will become a ‘ Party Plan ’ agent for Alison Bell Leisurewear — we hope to tie in with your coffee mornings and social events where people can see and try on the range before ordering .
17 Negative side effects of the drug can occur and increases in the child 's drowsiness , irritability , restlessness are noted as well as loss of appetite and headaches ( Doleys 1978 ) .
18 This age-based inequality in our society is most marked in the years of youth and early adulthood : thus , in British law , 16 is the age of consent , 18 is the age at which one can vote and drink in a pub , and so on .
19 Bed is one of the prime places where you can lie without getting caught , where you can holler and grunt in the dark and later boast about your ‘ performance ’ .
20 These body-builder types , particularly , can preen and pout in a manner which some ladies might find rather suggestive , only to have their hopes dashed when the guy starts telling anecdotes about his boyfriend 's expertise in the sack .
21 That would be a pity , for here is an area of study in which the staff can share and learn with the students , all working collaboratively together , perhaps on carefully designed mini-projects .
22 The two sides were a world apart and while Northern hope for successive victories in their final two games for survival , Wigan can relax and prepare for the Silk Cut Cup final at Wembley on May 2 against Castleford .
23 They are really one-way traffic systems in which several streams of vehicles can mix and circulate in a clockwise direction only .
24 ‘ Lighting can try and compensate for the lack of colour by creating certain moods .
25 Why end up re-roofing when you can seal and bond from the inside NOW !
26 " Well , I can walk and listen at the same time . "
27 If they meet as a matter of course throughout the year they can review and plan on a regular basis .
28 The best hope for the beleaguered baiji is the establishment of semi-natural reserve areas where some dolphins can feed and breed without the danger of human interference .
29 It 's a great barn of a pub with a high ceiling , a balcony area and lots of glass in the south wall so you can drink and look at the Thames without having to smell it .
30 Pictures , still and moving , can inform and excite through the eye , making real and vivid what would take a tedium of words to describe ; overhead projectors provide a more efficient , more stimulating and admirably repeatable blackboard ; records and tapes enable words , music and sounds to be replayed at will ; and all can be combined into patterns and programmes that do more than simply reinforce and enliven a lesson given in the traditional style .
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