Example sentences of "can [adv] be [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , one of the most serious deficiencies in much classroom practice is the total lack of perception that writing can rarely be a once-off activity and , at the same time , a successful one .
2 Even if we accept the enforceability criterion for the existence of a law this can only be a necessary requirement of law if ‘ enforceability ’ is taken in a weak sense to mean that the rules in question are by and large adhered to , which need not , of course , be the result of threats .
3 The committees can only be a temporary problem-solving device , bet the situations which create the problems are not temporary .
4 Conditions ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) alone clearly are not enough and there can only be a limited number of ways of thinking of conditions which give the same results as ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) .
5 It was for them that Paul Rotha spoke when he declared : ‘ The dialogue film , at its best , can only be a poor substitute for the stage . ’
6 So when the police declare ( as they do ) that they are non-political institution , this can only be a partial truth .
7 Thus , due to the sheer complexity of spatial data and the operations available , this can only be a partial solution to the general problem of user interaction with a GIS ( Gould 1989 ) .
8 In Mary 's reign , between 1542 and 1574 , when the civil war which followed her deposition was finally over , there were twenty-five large-scale bonds involving groups of people , five of which were made in the first six years of the minority , as well as the thirty-six individual bonds made mainly for political purposes by Arran and Mary of Guise , and the two by Beaton which , in view of the comment by John Knox about the extensive number of his bonds , can only be a small proportion of the total .
9 The signal can only be a small molecule as the pores are so fine as to prevent passage of larger substances .
10 However , these can only be a rough guide , and there is no replacement for experience of getting down among the crevices , ledges and pools .
11 The unusual juxtaposition of these two words can only be a subconscious association in the author 's mind with the well-known carol , The Twelve Days of Christmas whose repetitive chorus ends , ‘ And a partridge in a pear-tree . ’
12 Air transport moves quickly and this excellent book can only be a 1992 snapshot of a complex industry — however it is expensive .
13 In contrast to Table 3.9 , Table 3.10 shows higher consultation rates by the lower socio-economic groups , but the Black Report points out that this can only be a tentative conclusion because of the problematic nature of the data on which the table is based .
14 With Wittgenstein 's approach in mind , this can only be a dispiriting beginning .
15 On the positive side , perhaps a renewed interest in old school rap can only be a good thing .
16 I welcome the competition that Eric provides and that can only be a good thing for the club .
17 As the head of science put it : I think once it gets off the ground and we have got the library and the integrated studies and study skills teaching in a central resource area for the whole school , I think then , people are going to have to start seriously appraising the way they teach and I think that can only be a good thing .
18 The dramatic reduction in complaints and , of course , the high value placed on the quality improvement itself can only be a good thing for the business . ’
19 It 's really good because management 's the same no matter where it is , but in the Health Service there are sometimes specific problems and this course is geared to people working in the Health Service and that can only be a good thing .
20 The subject is one which needs to be brought to the attention of the Environment Committee and is something which the Council 's Environment Officer , once appointed , may wish to tackle on a corporate basis although one which can only be a token gesture since neither the use of peat or the peat land resource in Lothian are major issues .
21 Balling claims that the overall contribution from desertification caused by human activity is around 0.013 degrees per year , but admits that it can only be a significant factor for about 15 per cent of the Earth 's surface .
22 To condemn the child in the first few days of its life , and engineer its death can only be a gross misjustice .
23 The difference between Figures 2 and 3 is probably not important , each being just a different representation of what can only be a pale reflection of the true state of affairs , just as any illustration of the body 's organs is but a poor reflection of its true inner workings .
24 From the moment that Blanche decides to persuade Stella to leave the ‘ brute ’ , it is possible to see that there can only be a tragic ending .
25 If therefore these words [ Genesis 3:16 ] give any Power to Adam , it can only be a Conjugal Power , not Political , the Power that every Husband hath to order the things of private Concernment in his Family , as the Proprietor of the Goods and Land there , and to have his Will take place before that of his wife in all things of their common Concernment ; but not a Political Power of Life and Death over her , much less over any body else .
26 For , like the Falklands war ( only on a bigger scale ) , this can only be a one-off operation .
27 He answers this objection however with the reply that , whereas in human generation a woman can only be the passive principle , in spiritual generation neither man nor woman function by virtue of their own powers , but only as instruments of the power of Christ .
28 Some further details of the poem were clearly borrowed directly from West Somerset : the harbour from which the mariner set sail can only be the little harbour at Watchet , the hermit 's woodland home the wood at Culbone , and the ‘ loud bassoon ’ , whose sound caused the wedding-guest to beat his breast , probably had its original in the bassoon which the vicar of Stowey had just provided for the Stowey church band .
29 The assertion that it exists can only be an external statement of fact .
30 ‘ This new policy can only be an interim solution .
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