Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] they [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Put the rest of them , I mean , i , i , i , in the storage binder or you know , or you can obviously put them in the active binder if you want to do .
2 ( 110 , p.225 n.2 ) Possibly such claims were put forward even earlier , although one can only infer them from the appearance of closed crowns on the English coinage in the reign of Henry VII .
3 Anyone who considers such trivial questions as humour or literary merit is clearly living in a previous century and I can only refer them to the motto of the Punch accountancy department , which is : ‘ If they can read , we do n't want 'em . ’
4 But then again , we can only hear them at the moment , but there are six of them .
5 They are prone to the ‘ herd instinct ’ , and politicians can easily lead them by the nose .
6 Otherwise he can just give them with the bloody tellies or trying to buy them with the tellies and the dealers have a lovely time
7 Yeah , yeah so they wo n't , not , well they wo n't get so dirty , again with these you can just stick them in the wash
8 Yeah I can just see them in the rear mirror .
9 No , I mean , oven chips you can just put them on the tray and bung them in the oven .
10 This means that customers who like the retailer 's own brand goods can quickly identify them on the shelves .
11 You can still find them in the dark gullies of the Old City — if you know where to look .
12 Cos we can always drop them in the shit !
13 You can also recognise them by the round yellow bill patch .
14 If you want to impress your friends , you can nonchalantly steer them towards the small plaque on the side of the bonnet .
15 Having identified the main sectors we can now include them in the circular flow approach adopted in Figure 1.2 .
16 You can almost remember them on the fingers of one hand .
17 Once you have drawn all the outlines of the basic design on to the tracing paper , you can then transfer them to the canvas or linen that you are using .
18 Mountain Rescue get little trouble from ramblers , since their rambles rarely take them off a bus route , and you can sometimes spot them at the sides of the road , gazing into a hedgerow as their leader tells them a little about the history of couch grass .
19 You can either write them in the built-in macro editor or turn on the Record function , which will record your keystrokes as you go along .
20 Went to the Royal Academy when I was doing my 'O' Levels , it was a Jackson follow up it was about , ambulance was about twelve foot by twelve foot , it was literally splodges of paint all over the fucking place , it was horrible , you can actually buy them at the Royal Academy , you ca n't buy them at , but he was asking a hundred thousand pounds for it , I could n't believe it , a trained monkey could of fucking painted that
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