Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] [adv prt] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the highest levels of constraint the pocket can eventually swallow up the point d , precluding the possibility of a higher quality solution .
2 So you can , so if you feel that you 're a bit , you need a bit of practice in a certain area , you can literally look up the type of course that would benefit you the most .
3 The formation of a government can literally hang on the defection of one of these religious leaders to one party or the other .
4 It is difficult , therefore , to be dogmatic about the prospects for change ; one can only set out the patterns or trends which may come about .
5 You must establish the extent of these liabilities with your solicitor , but even then you can only carry out an inspection limited to your particular flat , plus a superficial investigation of the common parts with the landlord 's permission .
6 Johnnie is unable to escape the paralyzing atmosphere of the family home and in the end can only take on the identity of his dead father .
7 And for regular savings we can easily set up a standing order .
8 A major advantage of deck shoes is their price — you can easily pick up a pair for a fiver .
9 Mind you , I still think that now on the way back from a long hill-walk when I can just make out a dot that is the car .
10 I can just make out the Ridgery in the distance .
11 ‘ You can just make out the division markings on the walls where they 've joined the units . ’
12 Someone upstairs is playing a record — I can just make out the thumping of the drum .
13 The photograph is not very sharp , but the shape of the window behind her is recognizable at once , and in the over-exposed whiteness beyond the glass I can just make out the roof of the Scottish Office and the aerials on top of the Admiralty .
14 I 'm pretty warm so I do n't need a blanket or nothing and I can just bunch up the pavement into a pillow if I need one .
15 you can just go down a bit like that .
16 The Telford church is a suitable place to start and you can just angle up the hillside to gain the ridge to Creag Ruadh , the red crag , a good first viewpoint .
17 You can just count up the number of rooms that you 're planning to do , ca n't you ?
18 reformat I mean you 've got to be you , knowledgable about your , the area in which you work , so I do n't think you can just wipe out the history of education that 's irrelevant .
19 But Oxford match secretary Steve Pipkin , who is pegging the length , reckons the team who can best sort out a method for the small fish will win on the day .
20 He 's got this little kit , but there are hardly any mics there , and the low-decibel La 's style means that you can directly pick up every collision between muscle and wood and steel .
21 Insufficient knowledge or experience of an industry or of business generally ( ie breakeven points , profit margins , cash flow , VAT , tax , PAYE etc ) can quickly bring on the end .
22 The beauty of walking is that no matter where you start , you can gradually build up the duration and intensity of your routine until you reach the fitness level that you require .
23 A. You can still make out a Deed of Covenant , and send the money directly to Save the Children by Postal Order .
24 Old Jimbo can still roll back the years and reach into his glorious past , and how he loved it as the crowd roared at every winning shot and then sang Happy Birthday as a giant cake was rolled on to court for him afterwards .
25 There again you see they can still muster out the air tanks , keep it afloat .
26 And David Evans , all white and stammering , do n't you tell me my father 's a bloody animal I 've got to kick out of the way , and G.P. saying I 've never hurt an animal in my life , you can always make out a case for hurting human beings , but human animals deserve every sympathy .
27 After all , an editor can always write up the copy himself but he can not so easily produce a photograph .
28 I can usually pick up a ball with one hand , but as I was laying over the ball , I had to use both hands to pick it up , and already a Cardiff forward was rushing down on me .
29 So we can probably rule out the theory that he is indulging in a weekly exercise in make-believe .
30 No they can probably see down the end and they
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