Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its just difficult to explain how the defence works as a team , and one weak link can badly affect the rests confidence .
2 Rewriting inequalities such as ( 10.3 ) in this form shows that by allowing a constant term in the objective we can effectively make the goal zero for all objectives .
3 An article in the CBI 's Employment Affairs Report says : ‘ Individuals can better assess the benefit package that suits them than can their employer . ’
4 It is difficult to see how the rock platform can entirely dissipate the wave energy , as , if the waves break on it , they must presumably erode it , thus ultimately allowing them to reach the foot of the cliff again .
5 In the rapidly changing European scene , Latin Europe can perhaps break the West-East dichotomy and start to build bridges with non-European Spanish-speaking countries that share similar communication and cultural ties .
6 Yet on the other hand , for the counsellor to be too conscious of saying the right thing at the right time in every situation represents a state of mind that can only hamper the counselling process .
7 There is nothing to fear from this motion Congress , and it can only benefit the trade union movement .
8 And he he was n't he said they can only stand the water problem so long so what they can do with it I do n't know .
9 If you say so sir , the only thing I can suggest is that fact that er that the noise the door opener was making and the fact I opened the door very shortly afterwards , he can only assume the door opener worked .
10 As the reception board can only show the accommodation position for one day , the conventional and density charts are still necessary for selling accommodation in advance .
11 I think really I can only repeat the County Council 's position here chairman that we we do have sympathy with er the District Council 's position and the particular problems that the District Council have to face .
12 Sentence 40 can only bear a type reading :
13 However , the detachment can only use the leadership value of its own parent regiment — it can not move to within 8″ of a different regiment and use its leadership value instead .
14 The Yorkshire boxers ' misfortune at having to box twice so soon before the N-E Counties finals can only help the N-E division winners , who laid on another fine night of boxing at Gateshead Leisure Centre on Friday .
15 But what if you can only afford a garden shed ?
16 At the moment I can only take the family thing so far : I can talk about certain things , but then everything becomes a blank because I still feel too close to it all .
17 However , a standard GUI can only translate the command structure into graphical cues and will still be a ‘ function-oriented ’ rather than a ‘ task-oriented ’ system .
18 If the subject can only read the 24m line when standing at the 6m distance from the chart , vision would be recorded as 6/24 .
19 Another rebel said : ‘ He has tunnel vision and can only see the Maastricht Treaty .
20 Unsurprisingly , viewers in the Serb-held cities in Bosnia are no longer able to receive Sarajevo TV , but can only see the Belgrade version of reality .
21 We can thus rewrite the demand function , equation ( 4.2 ) , as
22 Some of the airfields are remarkably well preserved and the viewer can easily equate the archive footage with the scenes shot recently .
23 The trader can easily provide a delivery service ( most customers will live close by )
24 If , however , your parent thinks that some mistake has been made and can not sort it out , you can easily contact the pension fund headquarters on his or her behalf and ask for details of how the amount has been arrived at .
25 The classy Irish defender can already picture the season building to a climax with Aston Villa and United slugging it out for the Championship .
26 John learned to drive a tractor recently and can already ride a motor bike and drive a car on private la ? d .
27 If you are not too bothered erm , if you do n't know a priori where the break comes , you can just split the sample size in half and just estimate erm an equation for each , not less , you wo n't but the computer will , if you just specify half the sample size , right , and when it asks for the number of observations failure or Chow tests you just press the return key and it will use all the remaining observations , right , but when you are doing the empirical work you should always test for structural stability , right , and er either of Chow 's tests will , will suffice , right , but if you 've got a very small stock sample where there are fewer observations than there are parameters to be estimated you will have to use Chow 's second test failure .
28 For instance , if you load Windows , but forget to take the mouse out of the bag , you can just clip the Toshiba mouse on and , as if by magic , a cursor appears .
29 But I can just see the Sun headline , a fitting follow up to ‘ Paddy Pants-down ’ , to wit : ‘ Is Neil A Nancy Boyo ? ’
30 In this sense a business must develop a Community law reflex in deciding in its 1992 strategy how it can best employ the EC competition rules .
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