Example sentences of "what [pers pn] have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 me a pound after what I 've just done for you out there
2 so you close him on his final objection , you listen , you then sell him his objection , right , you sell him his objection , right , you confirm his answer , right , whatever he says to you and his answer you actually confirm it back to him , you do n't interrupt him , right , you do n't guess where he 's at , right and basically if work through a system you 'll get on there , now for me to be able to , to , to , what I 've just said to you is a load of garbage , but if I was sitting I was sitting actually go through each one of these steps and that 's what you term as a closing sequence , you see what I mean ?
3 It is gated open when it binds to molecules of acetylcholine , and in accord with what I 've just said about its selectivity , it 's a non-selective cation channel .
4 If you consider what I 've just said about Z scores , let's assume that there is a positive correlation because if we have a Z score of one on A , let's assume we also get a Z score of one on B. These numbers in fact ca n't happen in practice .
5 erm It 's not easy to give an example that 's brief , because of what I 've just said about the style , but I offer one very short passage here , which might or might not convey what I 'm attempting to say .
6 Now erm how have we got er I 've next thing on the handout is something I 've stuck on about the way in which erm er well it 's what I 've just covered about the the way in which some sorts of therapies for people who 've been abused as children tend to embody rather heterosexist assumptions which has been stated by Jenny Kissinger for example .
7 ‘ We 'll go and watch what I 've just explained on machine , which should make it easier for you to understand .
8 Okay so if I can just go through what I 've just talked with , with you about .
9 Sorry , they did tell us that , that the whole costing of the scheme was going to be ninety thousand pounds , it was going to cost ninety thousand , just to do what we 've , yes , what I 've just described to you .
10 But I spoke to Alex today , and he confirmed what I 've just described to you . ’
11 What I 've just described to you is a full and complete contract .
12 What I 've always said about life itself .
13 it is what I 've always thought for a long time that somebody like Brian if he 's not if he 's not showing at our fish at our show , even as an A class judge , I , I fail to see why he ca n't judge at our show it 's , he goes to Skelm and , and judges there and our fish will be there or strange really when we 're struggling for judges that , that we do n't do these things .
14 That 's what I 've always thought in the past .
15 She said I just went in there and she said I could n't stand any more , she said do you know Joy she said you 're one of the nicest people I know , she said I tell you what I 've never heard in my life two people stab somebody like you 're being stabbed , she says I could n't sit there any more
16 you to experiment with different assumptions on your own plan , it 's on the computer , so if you come up with a silly plan , you can even put your five year plan in there , and say well , this is where I want to be , and play about , and see what I 've really got ta be doing .
17 We settled down with a new bottle of champagne on the table before us , and I summarised what I had discovered about Brian Harley 's contract with Supersight and what I had not discovered about his putter .
18 Hence the moulding of that most deplorable product the ‘ humble boy ’ and the strengthening of what I had always referred to as ‘ the civil service mentality ’ until I encountered Michael Manley 's much more telling phrase the ‘ psychology of dependence ’ .
19 It was good to see references at last to what I had always understood to be the correct meaning of hostage ( April 27th ) — that is , ‘ a person given to another as a pledge ’ ( Oxford dictionary ) .
20 What I have here described as the " normality " which human beings regularly attribute to what seems to them simple , intelligible , logically ordered , in contradistinction to the " abnormality " of disorderly unintelligibility , might , from a slightly different point of view , be seen as the opposition between the " rational " and the " emotional " .
21 At the moment , I am working on a novel and the kitchen table has on it only the ancient German electric typewriter which I use to type out the second draft of what I have already written by hand .
22 Both terms may be outmoded by now , but I think that in view of what I have already said about gender confusion and gender avoidance in my own case , they may not be entirely unhelpful .
23 ‘ I can only repeat what I have already said to other journalists , ’ he said and began to read .
24 ‘ I 'm going to do what I have n't done in five years : please myself .
25 from what I have n't thought of
26 But in those rare flashes when one can shed the present self and all it is in command of I realise that there were really only two occasions when I did personally feel the times on my pulse in such a way that I remember them , and not what I have since reconstructed of them .
27 I 'm surprised that such hedonistic , empty headed opinions should find a place in what I have always regarded as a serious , intelligent newspaper .
28 I know that I 'm being unfair to you and to Virginia , but what I feel for you — what I have always felt for you — has made a weakling of me . "
29 The mother , notwithstanding what she had previously said about not taking the child out of the jurisdiction without an order of the court , nevertheless left Ontario for England on the very next day , 3 July 1991 .
30 But the worst of all was to read what she had finally written on the night before the bazaar , the night before he had added himself to the list of those who had betrayed her — It was the worst hurt of his life .
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