Example sentences of "what [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] them " in BNC.

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1 Having created my opposition , I had to decide what I would do to them .
2 ‘ And you know what I would say to them !
3 ( Rip ‘ em to pieces , that 's what I 'd do to them .
4 I do n't know what I 'd do with them . ’
5 ‘ I do n't know what I 'd do without them these days . ’
6 Then , walking back to the car , I started rehearsing what I 'd say to them , almost as if I were concocting my story .
7 That 's what I used to do with them !
8 She had fur-backed gloves and high brown-polished boots , not shoes but boots , and from what she could see of them they looked serviceable , as if they really were worn for walking .
9 Walter Legge liked to tell the story — I think as an example of both your musicianship and your tactical skills — that at the graduation class in Vienna you chose the Overture to Rossini 's Guillaume Tell and then sent everyone away except the cellos so you could show exactly what you could do with them in the opening bars of the piece .
10 Adam loved words , was fascinated by them , their meanings and what you could do with them , with anagrams and palindromes and rhetorical terms and etymology .
11 Erm they 're being much stricter about what you can do to them .
12 I took the advice I always give my students — try every new tool ‘ every-which-way ’ to find out what you can do with them .
13 Now each of these , alright we 'll go through the pads and I 'll discuss what you can do with them .
14 but the concepts are n't familiar and you 're starting to feel a little bit sort of not quite sure what you can do with them and what you ca n't
15 What you can do about them is another matter which we shall deal with .
16 The Handbook of Over-the-Counter Medicines compiled by Mike Smith ( Kyle Cathie , £6.99 ) lists all sorts of nasty afflictions , from acne to worms , and what you can buy for them at the chemist 's .
17 So they gave me minute instructions ( enclosed , along with the much-travelled draft , in the foreign-desk-clerk 's handwriting ) about what you should say to them if you can be persuaded to try them again .
18 But those wo n't , er if we were to take cashing those in now , it would be probably taking half of what we might get for them in the future , and from a business proposition , there is a time , when even if you have money in the bank , there are times , when it would be very advantageous to take long term interest rates , at low interest rates , and I think er er this is er perhaps the best opportunity that we have .
19 We have to make sure that we know what the customer wants ; they know what we can do for them , at what cost ; where ; when ; how and
20 And perhaps , what we can do about them ?
21 Wherever we operate , we place great emphasis on talking to our community partners about what they expect of us and what we can contribute to them .
22 What we will do for them .
23 I thought , oh if we could hold of some of them what we could do with them .
24 My parents ' solution was to take Ann into their bed , and Robert and I did what we could to look after them .
25 They 'd always be wanting nylons , he thought , he 'd seen what they 'd do for them during the war .
26 ‘ Well — I do n't know what he 'll do with them , do I ?
27 If a composer remembers to keep this audience entertained , think what he can say to them all at the same time .
28 He had spoken without thinking , and presently realised what it would mean to them both .
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