Example sentences of "what [pron] have [adv] say [prep] " in BNC.

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1 so you close him on his final objection , you listen , you then sell him his objection , right , you sell him his objection , right , you confirm his answer , right , whatever he says to you and his answer you actually confirm it back to him , you do n't interrupt him , right , you do n't guess where he 's at , right and basically if work through a system you 'll get on there , now for me to be able to , to , to , what I 've just said to you is a load of garbage , but if I was sitting I was sitting actually go through each one of these steps and that 's what you term as a closing sequence , you see what I mean ?
2 It is gated open when it binds to molecules of acetylcholine , and in accord with what I 've just said about its selectivity , it 's a non-selective cation channel .
3 If you consider what I 've just said about Z scores , let's assume that there is a positive correlation because if we have a Z score of one on A , let's assume we also get a Z score of one on B. These numbers in fact ca n't happen in practice .
4 erm It 's not easy to give an example that 's brief , because of what I 've just said about the style , but I offer one very short passage here , which might or might not convey what I 'm attempting to say .
5 What I 've always said about life itself .
6 Both terms may be outmoded by now , but I think that in view of what I have already said about gender confusion and gender avoidance in my own case , they may not be entirely unhelpful .
7 ‘ I can only repeat what I have already said to other journalists , ’ he said and began to read .
8 The mother , notwithstanding what she had previously said about not taking the child out of the jurisdiction without an order of the court , nevertheless left Ontario for England on the very next day , 3 July 1991 .
9 I think erm it does tie in erm er what you 've just said with one of the points that made at the P P C day , that the P P C now has no representatives ' organizations or parish organizations .
10 Is the implication of what you 've just said to the Chairman that you agree with Mr Allenby that this animal is a different one than anything that might go to an I five site ?
11 Can I interpret what you 've just said as erm representing in effect an aim on the part of the County Council to secure in Harrogate the nineteen ninety one area of employment land plus ninety hectares in two thousand and six ?
12 I think the best thing in a way , is not to repeat what you 've already said to each other .
13 ‘ Will you say to your own people what you have just said to us ? ’
14 Bank and Mitchell of the B B C and I I thought I 'd read you the letter as well , because the letter does what we 've often said about setting the block plan .
15 One man completely self-assured ( in the psychological sense ) is not a contradiction of what we have just said any more than what we have just said about uncertainty ( in the epistemological sense ) reduces all men to the level of mumbling irresolution .
16 That may seem perverse , given what we have just said about the current scene , especially since we do not ourselves believe that states are the only important actors in international relations .
17 I thank my right hon. Friend for what he has just said about the vile allegations and lies against my hon. and learned Friend — I use both words advisedly — the Member for Leicester , West ( Mr. Janner ) .
18 It is important that I should ask the hon. Gentleman carefully to consider what he has just said about my right hon. and learned Friend the Attorney-General , who set out the legal position as a Law Officer .
19 After what he has now said about a referendum , he had better watch out .
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