Example sentences of "can [adv] be [vb pp] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Even as recently as 1982 , Robbe-Grillet would explain his transgressive narrative techniques by relying on the Sartrean concept of contingency ( see Oppenheim 1986 ) : the disruptive narrative syntax conveys the fragmentation of man in the world , the absence of meaning in his novels can thus be said to correspond to the gratuitousness of existence .
2 ( b ) A bye-law made under this paragraph clearly can not be made to apply to hotel or restricted hotel licences .
3 Health policy did not escape this intellectual challenge , but policy prescription can not be assumed to lead to policy change .
4 Because of this , a poetic utterance has no functional ties with the real context in which it is produced and can not be assumed to refer to any aspect of its producer 's existence .
5 Since Raymond Oliver 's assertion to the effect that your , dairyman always has one of the great vintages of French Gruyère can not be said to apply to any of my dairymen both the questions of authenticity and of relative skill with the fondue set are academic .
6 Item 4 of the same Schedule specifies the ‘ place where the property is situated ’ for an appeal where there is a dispute over a valuation , but this statement is only intended to apply to property within the UK — the authorities can not be compelled to travel to Portugal to hear the appeal !
7 Reasons that should have determined the authority 's directive but failed to do so can not be thought to belong to the justification of the directive .
8 It is about morality , and morality can not be judged according to the quality of our intentions , or according to whether a practice is socially sanctioned .
9 This has reversed the rule in Harbutts Plasticine Ltd v Wayne Tank and Pump Co Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 QB 447 , but it has not affected the rule in the Suisse Atlantique case [ 1967 ] 1 AC 61 that exemption clauses can not be construed to apply to fundamental breach unless clearly stated to do so ( See also the Securicor case mentioned above , where an exclusion clause was found to be drafted so widely as to exclude liability for a wilful default which was also a fundamental breach of the contract . )
10 The following day Sharif sent a special envoy to the UN Secretary-General , calling for a UN fact-finding mission to Kashmir , and warning that Pakistan " can not be expected to continue to indefinitely prevent such marches by use of force " .
11 ‘ It is my belief that , without an honest money , Soviet citizens can not be expected to respond to the reforms , as they do not have a meaningful incentive , ’ said Mr Angell .
12 Teachers and other educationalists can not be expected to come to an adequate understanding of recent trends in multicultural and anti-racist education , nor can they develop an independent critical judgement on recent controversies in this area , without some grasp of the deeper structural and ideological issues that underlie the racial dimension in education , politics and the economy .
13 Those at lower organizational levels who will be responsible for implementing various aspects of the change can not be expected to commit to the effort until they see for themselves that the organizational leadership is similarly committed .
14 Anthropological textbooks , along with the arrangement of the university syllabus , usually give the impression that an alien way of life can always be analysed according to a more or less standard set of chapter headings which divide up the total field into sub-sections denoted by the English language words : economics , kinship , politics , law , religion , magic , myth , ritual .
15 Chemically , they differ considerably from morphine , but they can usually be seen to correspond to part of the morphine molecule , and are thus envisaged as acting on the same receptors .
16 If the money can clearly be proven to belong to you all , and to be your only means of support , it can not be let out of the family , casually , at the whim of one member .
17 The law should prohibit : the export of military , security and police equipment and training where these can reasonably be assumed to contribute to human rights abuses ; the manufacture of equipment which can only be used for torture or other cruel , inhuman and degrading treatment of prisoners .
18 Bonds can also be differentiated according to their issuer .
19 If it is claimed that a poetics of textual production and reflexivity replaces mimetic strategies of any kind , then the early nouveau roman can also be made to conform to this new postmodern aesthetic .
20 The same strictures can also be adapted to apply to less inflationary accounts of consent .
21 Wounds can also be described according to the degree of tissue loss .
22 They can also be classified according to their sugar content , ie dry , medium or sweet .
23 Community can also be used to refer to various collectivities of people supposedly characterised by distinct ways of life : for example , the Shetlander community , the churchgoing community , the incomer community .
24 Immunohistochemistry can not distinguish between different immunologically cross reactive proteins , but biochemically these can often be differentiated according to molecular weight using immunoblotting .
25 Bearing in mind what the patient can and can not do for himself , the nursing interventions to achieve the set goals can then be selected according to local circumstances and available resources .
26 In this process , art can then be seen to belong to an essentially subjective stage of immediate , concrete picturing ; religion appears at that of objectifying symbols ; and philosophy breaks through to the conceptualisation in which full and genuine understanding is attained .
27 With the results available , by using the actual difference in observed means , the probability that a change of given size might have been overlooked in the study can then be calculated according to the following formula :
28 A singular boundary point q can then be classified according to this scheme .
29 The matrix is designed to be flexible and adaptable so that it can readily be adjusted to respond to needs identified by users .
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