Example sentences of "can [adv] [vb infin] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , failures will be encountered and such failures can eventually attain a degree of seriousness that constitutes a serious crisis for the paradigm and may lead to the rejection of a paradigm and its replacement by an incompatible alternative .
2 Random gain-and-loss of variants through such jumping mechanisms can eventually homogenise a family in all individuals .
3 Thus , under certain circumstances intermediate good prices in the unintegrated sector can rise as a result of integration , and vertical merger can thereby cause a rise in final good prices .
4 It is my firm belief that if you can successfully run a group with elderly dementing people — you can run it with any client group .
5 erm I 'm not going to keep you very long because I 've nearly finished talking so erm when I 've finished perhaps you would like to bring some of your things up and put them on the table and we can all have a look at them .
6 Erm And you can all get a copy of this is you want to write to the water authority .
7 We can merely give a number of examples .
8 These glittering occasions can obviously put a strain on any wardrobe , and the clear answer these days is to hire , rather than buy , a ballgown .
9 It 's one that we can perhaps put a bit of pressure on if we issue an application for you by getting ACAS involved and seeing whether ACAS can either get you back there or er get you a compensation off them .
10 You have no helpers and can only devote a total of 4 hours observation time to the task on any day .
11 Your release may be 600 words but , if the editor can only print a story of 400 , the easiest means of editing is to cut the last part of the story .
12 The head of an agency can not typically ensure that his subordinates behave in a way that is exactly specified ; he can only design a policy to which they respond , and his perception of their response shapes the design .
13 In such circumstances , the historian can only present a number of different wage histories .
14 Buddhists call such anxiety an ‘ unskilful state ’ because it can only embed a person in the ego he is seeking to transcend .
15 Whatever the merits of this analysis of the structural location of people in production , these positions can only form a foundation for the processes of status , closure and reproduction which transform these structural relationships into a lived reality of social divisions .
16 As a physician of Italian origin , I can only express a sense of surprise and shame which , I hope , is shared by the whole Italian biomedical community .
17 A user can only retrieve a module by quoting a package that already has a version of it as a member .
18 Of course they can only make a living in this way if they are faster than other dealers in the market .
19 Toyota you can only buy a car in Toyota through network marketing
20 It was shown above ( cf. ( 45 ) ) that watch can only evoke a process of voluntarily laying hold of sense data by means of visual perception .
21 What the connection is we can only hazard a guess at but it confirms all our worst suspicions about anything-core outfits once and for all .
22 I can only hazard a guess at what it must have been like to sail in a typical convoy , with bombers and submarines liable to strike at any moment , or to brave the Western Approaches with only a couple of inches of rusting metal between yourself and the enemy .
23 If economists can only incorporate a bit of psychology , they 've got it made .
24 But it 's something that I think someone can only have a go at if they have a great deal of support and a chance to experiment in a way that still gives them the option erm not to change if they feel that they ca n't handle it any other way erm so I think there are a lot of difficulties associated with this kind of problem .
25 You can only have a bath in our house .
26 The result of the provisions relating to duration is that the owner of the right can only have a maximum of 10 years to exploit the design commercially .
27 Moreover , Unix can only recognise a maximum of 1,024 devices and it does n't support multiple volume files .
28 They are like people at a meal who can only take a bite from each course .
29 I 'm very shy and I can only take a lot of people in small doses .
30 Indeed , Leonard can only recall a volume of the Russian writer Gogol on her shelf , by which she presumably kept in touch with her own more distant — if painful — affiliations , though influencing Leonard , perhaps , unconsciously , with Gogol 's sense of fantasy and comic genius — as well as his need to travel . )
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