Example sentences of "can [be] [vb pp] [prep] good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This race is distinctly darker than our British bird and can be seen to good advantage on Sea-lion Island , the most southerly inhabited island in the Falklands .
2 Riders for health is a good example of what can be achieved through good planning .
3 Ministers are , significantly , confident that an upturn can be achieved in good time before the next election .
4 But the absence , say , of sterile dressing packs can be turned to good use .
5 Many other aquatic plants can be obtained from good garden centres .
6 They are shown how the relationship can be kept in good order and repaired by means of a great array of sacrificial rituals , and how the well-being of their society can be maintained .
7 Neural cells can be kept in good condition in vivo for many hours , and provide a good chemical test system and model for memory .
8 Even when pods have to be opened in the field , to save weight on the return journey , the seeds can be kept in good condition for two weeks by packing them in damp charcoal .
9 These motives can be exploited to good effect by skilful MPs who understand the system and work with it rather than try to change it .
10 A dial gives you the running total of the amount of gallons the cartridge has deal with , so a new one can be ordered in good time .
11 But these ergonomic problems can be avoided by good design and precautions for users .
12 But when several such businesses are aggregated at a dockside location the economy of scale offered by the worldwide container business can be put to good advantage both in cost and speed by even the smallest manufacturing unit .
13 This can be put to good use in soaring conditions as a means of getting into the lift when cruising at a high speed .
14 The old money-lender with her ‘ Jewish ’ interest rates is to be murdered because her life is worthless and her hoarded wealth can be put to good use ; when the unimportant deed is done the doer will launch himself into something that really matters , a large-scale philanthropic exercise .
15 But thought itself can be creative and this creative thinking can be put to good use in all areas of life — from running a business to preparing for Christmas .
16 You are a unique human being endowed with your own unique wisdom , understanding and experience which can be put to good use to formulate your goals .
17 Its 11 November issue appropriately included features on what progress had been made towards war in space , following this with the other end of technology — all the facts on animal power — which proved that running horse transport could be cheaper than vans or lorries , though not mentioning that animal exhausts can be put to good use as well .
18 This can sometimes be done very successfully by helping her to channel her energy and abilities into some local club or voluntary service organisation where her talent for management can be put to good use , as well as meeting her own need to be a little bit of a ‘ bossy-boots ’ .
19 The evidence shows that such children will make greater progress in English if they know that their knowledge of their mother tongue is valued , if it is recognised that their experience of language is likely to be greater than that of their monoglot peers and , indeed , if their knowledge and experience can be put to good use in the classroom to the benefit of all pupils to provide examples of the structure and syntax of different languages , to provide a focus for discussion about language forms and for contrast and comparison with the structure of the English language .
20 Having tried out these various methods you might consider them too time-consuming to use for large areas but they are so attractive that they can be put to good use as trimmings .
21 The University may consider applications from overseas candidates received after the normal closing date of 15 December , but candidates should make early application through UCAS , so that they can be informed in good time of any further qualifications required before they can be considered for admission .
22 Changes can be reduced by good filtration , which will remove ammonia and nitrite , and even nitrate .
23 As long as this is respected , the rigidity can be used to good purpose .
24 Thick felt-tip pens can be used to good effect .
25 Table lamps and lamp standards can be used to good effect when showing off the house in the evening or on dark winter afternoons .
26 At whatever level Procedure Audit is applied , it is a worthy addition to the toolboxes of all analysts or managers who are concerned at any time with making improvements of a procedural nature , and provides a further example of how soft systems ideas can be used to good effect for everyday analysis work .
27 Sauce is n't all that cranberries are fit for — they can be used to good effect in a number of recipes .
28 Left : Scenes shot on telephoto appear to have compressed perspectives which can be used to good effect .
29 In addition , you must be able to choose small flowers and small parts of flowers that can be used to good effect .
30 Cabled rib is very attractive and can be used to good effect on an otherwise plain sweater .
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